just think it would be cool to be able to use all this cool nanotech to take a wreck and compress it to a suitable size to store in a cargo hold.
then some how restore it to working condition.
I personally think some kind of deployable which has a stront bay for defensive shielding if attacked
using nanites to decompress and refabricate the ship and using other resources to have it built in space over time would simply be a very cool thing.
for me this isn’t about earning ISK, although it should be viable of course even if only small amounts.
but its more about generating player driver aesthetics in the in game environment, you’re flying around, you see people mining, gas harvesting, being active and doing stuff, so why not people attempting to rebuild a ship in space or perhaps trying to nuke those efforts, just think it would be cool.
there is a demand for salvaging to be expanded upon, I figured this would be nice without seeing “salvage probes” on the agenda.
being able to restore ships in my opinion would be cool. all wrecks now despawn after 2 hours (instead of the previous 3)
so why not have it so if you’re ship is insured the wreck will remain for a few hours more allowing time for it to be compressed.
once compressed you can restore it, the deployable I mentioned above is the best I could come up, maybe some other cool cats on here will have some ideas.