Wrecking Machine. and Black Flag vs P A R A B E L L U M and co

I’m sorry Lucas, but I must educate you there’s no such thing like up/down/left/right in space.

He probably hid near a dense veldspar rock using the appropriate vector to align and warp out in case of danger.

Sorry for interrupting.


My parents beat me if my KDR falls under 40:1…

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Zkill merely reflects what you do in the game. Some people don’t do anything, and you can look at their killboard and see that. Then you can disregard any opinions they have about the game, because they obviously lack experience.


I’m not that guy and I’d appreciate it if you didn’t joining in with the other forum trolls.

It matters more than you do.

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They need to get pychiatric help because they use zkill? LOL!


You speaks the truth!

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Well if zkill matters that much how about we go on a 1v1 and see if you’re as dangerous as your killboard says ? Just mail me ingame and tell me the ship type and place

Lol. Given your propensity for regularly popping your head out of the tea pot like the dormouse in Alice In Wonderland, with posts just as sane, I rather think you can wear the triggered label.

And no, you are not important enough for me to waste my time on a duel. Plus I’d hate to get a kill that ‘doesn’t matter’ to you anyway :slight_smile:

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So you aren’t as good as you pretend to be, thanks for showing me proof of you being a complete f1 monkey. At least if you had accepted that 1v1, even if you had not won, you would have proved me wrong and that you weren’t just an egocentric zkill warrior.

My offer stays though. If you are one day willing to prove me wrong about your cowardness, then go on, I will wait :slightly_smiling_face:

I would argue that zkillboard is a tool that you cannot completely rely on. For me, it helps me keep track of things, sometimes find useful information. The entire profile stuff and stats though ? Absolutely useless, it’s impossible to judge anything from that. Take snuffed out’s cyno alts : they always make new ones so people can’t check much on zkill. Amamake/Tama pvpers ? FW pvpers ? They have terrible stats, sometimes 45% dangerous, but there might be a reason (blobbing for example), so they could be very well experienced and you wouldn’t know that at all.

2 exceptions though : Miners and f1 monkeys (hsec ones). Never have I ever seen one of these 2 bait me or be well skilled pvp wise.

Of course baiting using an alt is possible, I can’t deny that. But zkill doesn’t provide real information on skills most of the time. In my opinion at least

Where this? I wanna fight!

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Ah…I see the problem. You mistake me for someone who gives a **** what you think.

However, in my schedule of meeting galactic dignitaries and doing really cool and important stuff…I might just be able to squeeze in an appointment with you on March 27th 2037 at 15.45. That’s assuming someone less important doesn’t jump ahead of you.

No need to elaborate on being eve’s biggest coward, I didn’t ask you to prove me that twice. You can save your words if you don’t give a darn :smile:

It’s only useless if you don’t know how to process the data.

For 1 billion isk, I offer a seminar entitled Killboard Stats and You.


Some days it is best to just semi afk while watching a structure heath deplete.

Sounds like fun… how does a capsuleer sign up to that?

Hey…join the queue ! I think I can fit you in several years before 3CT0PLASM4.

Well, I thought that if you weren’t going to fight this guy, I could, but now that I have that boomer whom I’ve “made interested in killing again” from that locked GD thread going after me, I might’ve bitten off more than I can chew.

Pray for me, friends.


I reached Level V Contempt, and am well on my way to Advanced Contempt V. Those skills beat forum duelists every time.

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Para are great content. brought me back to the game for a ok fight. Long my this war continue.