Wrecking Machine. and Black Flag vs P A R A B E L L U M and co

The best policy, in a forum where people repeatedly create sockpuppet troll alts to argue endlessly, is check the killboard of anyone you are debating. If you don’t see anything there, then you know you are either talking to someone who doesn’t know what they are talking about, or someone who is motivated to hide their identity. You have no obligation to waste time, reasoning with an anonymous entity.

Before anyone can claim to have a “point”, they must first identify themselves. This is actually required by law at local city council meetings - if you want to speak, you must identify yourself, so that you aren’t just wasting everyone’s time.


Well that’s news to me! I usually just get an illegal immigrant I hire for a few dollars, and send them in with a wireless speaker hanging from their neck that transmits my messages using Microsoft Sam.

This, right here.

Zkill is a great resource. Can be used to see what kinds of ships and fits a person typically employs, fighting habits, what they do in game.

A blank zkillboard is a redflag. And as Aiko said, it’s most likely a sock puppet troll (if it’s a forum warrior) or someone who is terrified of having a loss so they avoid anything risky.

Forum warriors who have blank zkillboards talking about pvp mechanics, flags, station bashing, baiting, ganking etc. should be disregarded as they have no idea what they are talking about as evidenced by their lack of zkill entries.

And if they claim they have a main somewhere else that does pvp, they are most likely lying, because they are too risk adverse to risk their main in some sort of engagement due to pissing someone off on the forums that do decide to handle things “in game.”


The real issue is that people invent claims and others run with them. Nowhere have I ever bragged about being good at PvP, as Liz claims. I have stated that I’ve worked under excellent FCs…and I’m far from being the only one to comment how well some did at Itamo.

As for being ‘risk averse’…I’m actually pretty reckless at lot of the time and have simply gotten away with it. I love the risk, and have simply been quite lucky. Though not always, as my killboard even shows. And the reason I don’t have any losses in this account for 6 months is nothing more complex or sinister than that I’ve been active in other accounts ( that do have losses ). In fact my spy account even has a loss to Blackflag.

I got a nice shiny AO medal for my contribution at Itamo. Confirmation that I was there and did my bit. And that is all that really needs saying.


Is that what you do

There are so many citadels in Highsec, it is disgusting. Thankfully some charitable elite alliances like WM are demolishing them non stop for 0 profit.
Praise be.


Oh we are so lucky to have them.

I was looking at the battle report from the BF structure take down and looking at the participants although a bit messy is full of useful intell into who does what. Who are the low down gutter Snipes, high sec pirates and general griefers.
Of course you have many mercs that are just paid to be there.

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WM is the ultimative Wardecing Alliance. They find all these crappy mining citadels overcrowding Highsec. They wardec the miners for 0 profit, just to keep Highsec clean. Everybody is invited to join the fleet with an alt and dunk the miners cit. Sometimes the miners believe they can deffend it and come with some ships to provide cheap entertainment. Good luck against their armor doctrines.

As I said, they dont do it for profit, just to demolish such nasty cits. Someone would call it griefing. It is not. The greedy miners deserve it. If they dont like it, they can unsintall the game, easy like that.

This type of thinking needs to change.

More clueless people is a good thing because it provides a target rich environment. I am seeing WH group disbanding because there is to much space with not enough people. Some of the guys are rolling holes and not see any activity for 24 hours.

In a PVP centric game, would more sheep to share between the wolves not be a better option?


Cheap entertainment you speak of is really just normal content unless WM sides with Pandemic Horde then everything becomes cheap when poo is thrown at a wall.

Isn’t this griefing? Sounds like something CCP should remove from the game ASAP.

I think you have that wrong, the greedy gankers deserve it, over fish and this is what happens, miners moan non stop ccp change the game, you don’t like it and leave.

Stop over fishing and grow a pair.

There is plenty of fish to destroy in highsec. Even if the salty miners uninstall, more new fishes will join the game to replace them. Eve would need at least 10 WMs to really keep the citadel plague under control.

Same for barges, you can dunk them all the day long, but more will appear in another system, with ore strips!. 10x more gankers are needed.



I just like how you included Sargon.

Nah. I checked up on a number of our prior kills and the vast majority are back again. And they know we probably won’t be back again for a year or more…in which time they can make more than enough profit to pay for the next station loss. One does not want to over-farm an area anyway…though unfortunately some of the newer station bashing groups don’t seem to grasp that.

Very much so, I think the changes to medium citadels did not help in that regard…, but you are right, it is what I have been warning about for some time. It is rather like the forums, I have watched as certain HTFU posters have started bashing other HTFU posters because there is no one else left.

Anyway, back I go to Mount and Blade Bannerlord, have fun all, or not as the case is…

Ok, bye? (again)

If the wolves are weak and cowardly that makes sense. In a good biodiversity-maintained environment packs of wolves fight each other… but Laziness and convenience is also part of the wolf too… just like hyenas!

Fifie likes a bloody steak.