Wrecking Machine. and Black Flag vs P A R A B E L L U M and co

It’s a real shame to see another valued player and venerable pillar of this game’s community move on to better pastures. Truly EVE is entering a dark age on its twentieth anniversary.


Actually, predator animals (and especially wolves) are absolutely meticulous about respecting each other’s territory.

Why do carebears say ■■■■ and make scientific claims on nothing but blind assumptions? :roll_eyes:

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Right, packs of wolves never fight… :roll_eyes:

Shut up.

Or what?

That is not what Destiny said.

Plus your quote even supports her. From your source:

Most of the time, wolf packs do what they can to avoid each other, which is why they continually mark their territories, Gardner said.

So it is possible wolves are meticulous about respecting each other’s territories and they still mess up and have brutal fights from time to time.

Helloooo forum

Who are you, her P.R agent?

Again, just to emphasize my point… because I can.
Weak and lazy kill.

Commandable and rewarding kill.

Fifie can show better than she can tell.

This is a perfect example of how these dumb carebears are completely off their rocker. They’re so desperate to construct this feel-good narrative that presents the world as how they really wish it would be, that they’ll push the most ridiculous, unscientific garbage to try to convince others and especially themselves that the fairy tale they’re clinging on to is reality. In this case, it’s stuff like animals being “cowardly” and “lazy,” and that predators are supposed to fight each other instead of hunting prey “in a good biodiversity-maintained environment,” which is the exact opposite of how things actually are according to millennia of scientific thought, empirical observation, and common sense.

Not that I’m surprised, however. Before ■■■■-posting alt #262,598 showed up, there were 262,597 others that came before it, each one regurgitating the same asinine drivel that their forefathers spewed forth before them. And just like the Banana Phone song getting stuck in your head, every measure of this vile, off-key tune that they sing has long been internalized to the very core of our minds, trivially recalled in its entirety the moment they finish up their latest project in the character creator and proceed to the forums to pop its proverbial verbal cherry thinking that no one’s the wiser.


TL;DR&Gibberish, Ranting…
You just mad because I told you off.
It’s ok, you’ll get over it.

Fifie, a “carebear” haha!!

I am Io Koval. Pleasure to meet you.

Does it really matter to you whether I say „Yes“ or „No“ to your question? I get the sensation it doesn’t, from your tone.

I still stand by what I said. Feel free to engage on the topic:

hey hows your war going


I wasn’t starting a topic when I replied to Emperor Kane:

There is nothing in my post that requires a cacamimi reply like this:

just to take a cheap shot at me.
That’s why I told her to shut the F up. That loser can take cheap pot shots at that other loser Kuro for all I care… probably an alt, too.

I was comparing a PvPer going after a Venture vs a PvP going after an actual combat ship. Wolves sv wolves ( which happens of course ) or wolves vs other animals.
No need of a loser to turn a simple reply into forum drama. It’s ridiculous :unamused:

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War are running again as per normal (barring the 2 week cool down ones).

They still dying so… whatever.

I am dumpster diving a bit…

And what’s the difference? I shoot all ships equally in lowsec, if I think I can kill it. Ventures tend to be on the list, and some even fight back with teeth. The best is when I catch a bait Heron in an Astero because that’s when things are gonna get real butt-clench!

There is no difference between an „actual combat ship“ and… whatever else. If people somehow think they get a „free safety pass“ to not get shot because they’re in a ship without guns, or a ship without combat bonuses, or whatever, that’s a personal mentality problem, or personal mismanagement of expectations.

Wolves gotta eat and they don’t survive by eating other wolves.


battle venture

I understand you and agree with you to the point where it comes to me, personally. People can do what they want in the sandbox and I would hesitate to jump on a Venture, especially if I could get into a fight against a better prize. Most likely I’d blow up but I’d learn more against tougher than weaker/flighty. Eventually I’ll come out in one piece later on, with more skills and better modules.

That’s where the PvP comparison ends.

Reading PvP “takes” from someone who’s literally never tried PvP once is always a hoot.

The very definition of a backseat driver.

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:popcorn: :popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:

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…which is why you would never learn how to catch one, and why killing an attentive one is actually a fairly difficult and risky endeavor, especially if it is a bait one. The only people that think “catching and killing a humble Venture is such an easy task” are those who have never tried, and therefore have never learned that the Venture is actually rather difficult to catch and requires additional considerations (which actually puts you at more risk).

A nice idea, but an uninformed one. Once you start hunting, let me know how often you come across a target-rich environment where you are having the luxury to choose between “a Venture” and “a better prize”. Without going into FW and then onto a front line (and even then, people aren’t in Ventures), and especially if you decide to pirate solo, it’s not going to happen. You’re going to find opportunities come sequentially, and parallel in only extraordinary coincidences.

Let’s not pretend that this person will ever “start hunting” anything. Those who are capable of the act don’t try to rationalize it away before they ever even try doing it. Your advice amounts to wasted energy, and will be lost to the void.

This is going to be one of those cases where they talk about what “PvP should be like” for three weeks before their inevitable post #176 in which they say how they “realize now how the game/community is like” and to “not bother responding because the character is getting biomassed in 3 hours” that we’ve all seen dozens of times already.

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You’re not my mom, dad!