WTS 100M SP Missiles Great, Planetology, Production Great, Resource Processing , Science Great


positive wallet
positive sec-status
no killrights
npc corp

looking for offers

50 B/O

very cheap…
offered at least 60b)

what would be your b / o price

b/o 70b?

will you take?

1 Like

60 bil

for 65 b / o?

I agree

Can you trade now?


66 B/O

I accept your offer

waiting for isk, and the account name for sending the character

you here?

if anyone needs an Character write. man is gone)


I can 55 BO later today.

waiting for isk, and the account name for sending the character

Deal. I will send you Isk and account after I get home from work.
It should be exactly 4 hours from now.