WTS 107 mil SP pilot

Character sheet >> HERE <<

In NPC corp (may take a little to filter through.)
All ccp rules applied.
No kill rights
Jumpclones 1x Thera, 1x Amarr
Wallet is positive
High sec location(Jita)
Remap available now.
Standings with Fed Int Office 9.31
Fed Navy 5+
SOE 5.71

Starting bid 80bil (extraction value.)
BO 105 bil.

Bada bump!

82b b/o

Thank you for starting the bidding. I’m of the firm belief that this pilot is worth more to someone so am going to hold on for now.

No rush, gentle bump.

85 bil

Lovely offer @Ocarina_Zelda thank you:) Getting close to a deal.

Saturday bump.

Happy to lower BO to 95 bil. Anyone?

and Sunday…

90 Bill

95 bil

@Ocarina_Zelda i accept your BO of 95 bil.

Please transfer ISK and mail account name and I’ll set Transfer in progress

I will do that before next dt, sleep now

isk and mail sent

Confirming ISK and mail with account info received.

Character transfer started. Enjoy!

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