Caldari Battleship to V
Cruise Missiles to V
Social to V (for better pay outs. )
Corporate Standings with Sisters of Eve is 5.7
She can get level 4 missions from the Sisters of Eve agent in Osmon
On the other hand, she also has basic PI Skills trained.
Command Centers to V
Consolidation is only IV, though.
So she can run 5 colonies with maxed out command centers.
If you wanted, I guess you could skill drain her down to 5 mil Sp and then just have her do PI for passive income.
Skill board says she’s good for 17 extractors.
I don’t feel like dragging this out, so, buyout is set at 10.5 b (extraction value plus cost to transfer.)
I’ll entertain offers from 8.5 b (Since at least you’re saving the the effort of extracting.)