WTS 14 (10 left) pilots - Ranging from 24-118m SP

So rather than create 14 threads and clogging up the forums, I figured this would be more efficient.

Edit: 24/12/20 17:19 GMT - Please feel free to mail the OP with offers.

All character sales will be done following CCP/forum rules.
ISK will be received by the character being sold, only exception will be that all messages go though the OP.
All toons will post in this thread to confirm ownership.
I’ll pay transfer fees.

[Literally no idea what’s going on with the formatting -_- ]

Amellia en Cedoulain - 36B - SOLD
41m SP - Naglfar pilot - https://eveskillboard.com/pilot/Amellia_en_Cedoulain
Wallet balance - 0
Kill rights - None
Jump clones - Zero
Character location - High-sec
Implant sets - Genos w/ 5% HWs
Skins - https://i.imgur.com/4R7igC0.png

B’Elanna Kin - 70B
69.5m SP Erebus/Avatar pilot - https://eveskillboard.com/pilot/B’Elanna_Kin
Wallet balance - Positive
Kill rights - None
Jump clones - Three
Character location - Low-sec
Implant sets - HG Amulet w/ 6% HWs & HG-1008
Skins - https://i.imgur.com/qOoUBBd.png

Blue Octapus - 40B
39.5 JF (Rhea) pilot - https://eveskillboard.com/pilot/Blue_Octapus
Wallet balance - Positive
Kill rights - None
Jump clones - One
Character location - High-sec
Implant sets - MG Nomad w/ 5% HWs
Skins - https://i.imgur.com/4SUwCmO.png

Buho - 8B - SOLD
8m SP stripped Revenant pilot - https://eveskillboard.com/pilot/buho
Wallet balance - Positive
Kill rights - None
Jump clones - Two
Character location - High-sec
Implant sets - HG Amulet w/ 5% HWs, MG Nomads w/ 5% HWs
Skins - https://i.imgur.com/KbzlT9q.png

DJ Spock - 36B
39m Covert Hunter - https://eveskillboard.com/pilot/DJ_Spock
Wallet balance - Positive
Kill rights - None
Jump clones - Two
Character location - Low-sec
Implant sets - HG Ascendancy w/ 5% HWs

Dradis Aulmais - 32B
37.5m Covert Hunter - https://eveskillboard.com/pilot/Dradis_Aulmais
Wallet balance - Positive
Kill rights - None
Jump clones - Zero
Character location - Low-sec
Implant sets - HG Ascendancy w/ 5% HWs

Joey Judas - 70B
79.5m SP Covert Hunter plus - https://eveskillboard.com/pilot/Joey_Judas
Wallet balance - Positive
Kill rights - None
Jump clones - Four
Character location - Low-sec
Implant sets - HG Ascendancy w/ 5% HWs

Jordan TK - 95B
93.5m Avatar pilot - https://eveskillboard.com/pilot/Jordan_TK
Wallet balance - Positive
Kill rights - None
Jump clones - Two
Character location - Low-sec
Implant sets - HG Amulet w/ 5% HWs
Skins - https://i.imgur.com/5EAgBqi.png

Leeloo Jr - 105B
105m Nyx/Hel pilot - https://eveskillboard.com/pilot/leeloo_jr
Wallet balance - Positive
Kill rights - None
Jump clones - Three
Character location - Low-sec
Implant sets - HG Amulet w/ 5% HWs, HG Ascendancy w/ 5% HWs
Skins - https://i.imgur.com/hqDqkkA.png

Mila Havoc - 65B
69m SP Ragnarok pilot - https://eveskillboard.com/pilot/Mila_Havoc
Wallet balance - Positive
Kill rights - None
Jump clones - Two
Character location - Low-sec
Implant sets - HG Ascendancy w/ 5% HWs
Skins - https://i.imgur.com/tdMBvta.png

Piritna - 28B - SOLD
36m SP Covert Hunter - https://eveskillboard.com/pilot/Piritna
Wallet balance - Positive
Kill rights - None
Jump clones - Three
Character location - Low-sec

Propaghandi - 100B
118.5m perfect FAX/Super pilot (all 4 races) - https://eveskillboard.com/pilot/Propaghandi
Wallet balance - Positive
Kill rights - None
Jump clones - Three
Character location - Low-sec
Implant sets - Genos w/ 5% HWs
Skins - https://i.imgur.com/MQGMFvv.png

Shadow Resident - 19B - SOLD
24m SP Covert Hunter - https://eveskillboard.com/pilot/Shadow_Resident
Wallet balance - Positive
Kill rights - None
Jump clones - Two
Character location - Low-sec
Implant sets - 4+ Learning set

Xibalba’s Incarnate - 38B
40.5m SP Amarr FAX pilot - https://eveskillboard.com/pilot/Xibalba’s_Incarnate
Wallet balance - Positive
Kill rights - None
Jump clones - One
Character location - Low-sec
Implant sets - HG Amulet w/ 5% HWs
Skins - https://i.imgur.com/0tMklSG.png

Confirming I am for sale.

Confirming I am for sale.

Confirming I am for sale.

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Confirming I am for sale.

Confirming I am for sale.

Confirming I am for sale.

Confirming I am for sale.

Trying to avoid the spam filter lol.
Confirming I am for sale.

Damn CCP ruining my alphabetically organised toons.

I am for sale.

I’m for sale too.

I am also for sale.

I am available for purchase.

Come buy me please.

Final one - I am for sale.

17.5b Offer for Piritna

36b b/o for Amellia_en_Cedoulain

19b b/o for Shadow_Resident

Buyouts accepted for both Amellia and Shadow.

Please send 36B ISK to Amellia en Cedoulain.

Please send 19B ISK to Shadow Resident.

I will start the transfers when I’m home in 8 hours or at whatever point the ISK is received after that :slight_smile:

ISK sent and account info sent via ingame mail

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