WTS 2003 Character: BloddyBill Quantrill (2.9m SP) This is an age Prestige Purchase $30 Bil ISK B/O

BloodyBill Quantrill is 17 Years old, has a clean slate to write on so you can make him into whatever you want and have the added prestige of being one of the oldest characters in the game.

Buy Out $30 Bil ISK

This character is 17 years old and comes with:
A full set of Basic +3 Implants
2,9m. Skill Points (760k unallocated)
1 Yearly Remap & 3 Bonus Remaps
Positive Security Status
No Kill Rights
Wallet has a positive balance
The character is located in The Citadel 0.7 Oiniken XI Moon 12 Imputes Development Studio
I will pay for the character transfer after the ISK are received

EveSkillboard - BloodyBill Quantrill

Just a bump up.


I’ll do 18b, only because that’s all I have.

While I thank you for both offers I will continue to wait wait for something a whole lot closer to my asking price, otherwise it costs me nothing to just keep him. Cheers!

The daily bump.

The traditional daily bump.

one more time to the top


And time for yet another bump.

A quick move to the top.

Bump up.

Back up to the top


Bump again

Bump up to the top.

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