WTS 2007 Character 249M SP - Focused Cap Pilot

Selling a 2007 Character that I have been training myself since 2015.

It is a perfect Gallente/Minmatar capital and subcapital pilot… this goes for BlackOps, Marauders, Dreads, Carriers, FAX, Super Carriers. Max Remote Capital Reps, Capital Artillery, Capital Autocannon, Capital Blaster, Capital Railguns, except for Lancers. Max Fighters, Heavy Fighers, you name it. Skills can be verified with The On3 - SkillQ.net

Max engineering
Max armor
Max shield
Max all pvp drones/fighters

Nice Extra = All capital Quafe skins injected.

Wallet = Positive

Character currently located in Maut

Jump clones below:

○ High-grade Amulet Vehement clone in Maut

○ Geno Vehement clone in Orvolle

○ High-grade Ascendancy Nyx clone in Amarr

The security status is -0,4

THE CHARACTER IS IN AN NPC CORP even tho the SkillQ api says it isn’t… You can verify in-game.

Skill training is currently paused.

There is 1 kill right on this character for attempting to shoot a belt mining venture in lowsec by warping in a Vehement.

Bidding starts at 200B, instant buyout is 250B. I will close the auction in 168 hours unless the goal has been hit.

Fly reckless o7

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200 bill

Thank you for your offer, 120 hours left till closing.

72 hours left till closing.

36 hours left till closing.

About to close this deal, now is the time if you’d like to make an offer.

Contacted vbia in game mail with ISK and Account details :slight_smile:

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Character in transfer, enjoy!

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