Wts 223.9m Skill Points Main character

Aidan Pryed board

Welcome to my selling page. I would like to sell my main character.
Many subcapital ships learned to V. As for caps Aidan can drive Minmatar and Amarr Dreadnought to V

All ccp selling rules applied. Here is the list of required info:

  • Npc corp and Jita location
  • No kill rights
  • 6 Jump clones
  • Wallet: 10m ISK

Current BO: 180 bil

150 B offer

I believe 150 is a way too low for that character

I can do 160 B or you can wait for better offers.
Someone who wants your toon to play would be even willing to pay 220 B.
Good luck.

So there is no real sense to sell below extraction value. The other thing that I dont want to strip and destroy my character though I understand that mainly people buying characters for extraction here to get some profit and rarely to play with it. But your offer me to sell the character to you below extraction value + I have to pay transfer fees, that is really senseless. I can go down to 190, maybe 180 bil but 160 bil suits me not, sorry.

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I ll bid 165b here

Come on guys, give me a bit more and I am happy to sell. Let me help you and set up new BO : 180 bil

170 is my red line for this lot


No one wants to get such character just for 180 bil? seriously?

everyone wants to get down to the skill point

yeah thats true, I hope I find someone who takes the pilot at its worth.

Nevermind Im bad at math. Gl with the sale.

hi, if i had the isk i’ll be playing with the character as some people just seem to be out for making isk rather than playing the game itself, shame really. Gl with sale my friend.

That is the problem that those who want to play dont have ISK and those who has got iskies doesnt want to pay its value

Upping my bid as we agreed upon privately.

ISK and account details sent

@Riperd_Jacks Transfer is being processed now

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