WTS - 3,058 day Old Alt with 9,391,883 Skill Points

There’s a glitch in the Matrix.

Enigma Anastasis Eveboard LINK.

Selling an 8+ Year-Old alt with 9.3m Skill Points. He has Positive Sec. Status and a Positive Wallet. He has 2 remaps available.

All reasonable offers will be considered on their merit. Looking to sell fast so I can buy a Nyx hull :slight_smile:

Will Accept a Buyout of 8b today!

*I will receive isk from this sale.

Buyout of 8b added.

5bil offer


i offer 6b

6,5b if we can do this fast

7b also want a fast transaction

7,5b wont do more

8b as far as i can go…

its his buyout so gratz for the char

Ohh cool didnt even read that lolz

Accepted. Send isk and account information you want him transferred to.

Will have the isk, info within the next 15-25min.

No worries…

ISK and account information received.

Thanks for a smooth transaction. Please confirm that you received transfer information from CCP.

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Mail received. Thank you aswell for a fast and good transaction ^^

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It was nice doing business with you.

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