WTS 4.9 mil SP Alpha for 3.7 bil, price open to negotiation


Sitting in Jita 4-4, no assets except Calm Firestorm Filament and XV Anniversary Gift Box (Alpha) in Ammold V - Republic Military School station.

Wallet balance is 5k.

No kill rights.

No jump clones.



offer 3B isk ready!

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Another person offered me 3 bil, are you willing to go higher?

its me btw! Hera Falcon right?

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Oh! Yep was Hera :slight_smile: Can I perhaps convince you to go for 3.1 bil?

accept 3.1B! if you accept please confirm ill send isk and account information

Deal, confirmed!

isk and account information sent to Grakus Naskingar! please make a transfer!

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Logging in now to confirm and then transfer!

Character transferred!

transfer via Plex?

Paid $20

ok then just wait! still no email from CCP

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FYI, next time you sell a character, that is not the OP, you need to comment with that character that they are being sold.

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character received!

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Sorry! Only second time doing this, was just reminded of this by my alliance-mates and will be sure it happens next time :slight_smile:

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