WTS 49m Refining, Cyno, T2 Mining (9m is unallocated)

Wallet Balance - 0
Kill rights - None
Jump clones - None
Location - Jita 4/4
Positive Sec Status .5

WTS my 49m sp Refining, Cyno, T2 Mining toon. She has a few good sub capital support skills as well. Would serve as a good refining character as well. She WAS perfect until the change CCP made to refining skills, I have left the unallocated SP from that switch.

Buy out is 35b

Starting bid is 30b

Link doesn’t work mister

try now. sorry about that. Forgot to set to public.

31 billions

sure. Send isk and account details.
Will send as soon as I am able.

isk and account info sent, please start the transfer process. thanks!

Okay I got the isk and im trying to transfer, currently dealing with a 500 ERROR with the character transfer system.

…Transfering to ***********

Will be completed after 10/4/2022, 12:18:45 PM

Thanks :slight_smile:

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