No kill rights
Positive wallet
2 jc’s - Torrinos full set of +5’s & Mining foreman mindlink
- Sehmy - full set of +4’s & Mining foreman mindlink
Remap available now
sitting in jita 4-4
Password: 123
Cap ind 5
Mining drone spec 5
Good bonuses - Nearly max
Capital Ship Construction 5
11 build slots
jdc/jfc 5
Good PI skills
Rorqual Nocx Rush SKIN (Permanent) skin for rorq
Bidding starts at 30 Bil
Reserve: 48bil
buyout: 52bil
Auction ends in 1 week or if buyout is reached, whatever happens first. (Sunday 4th march at DT )
i will pay transfer. I don’t log in much but will try and check mails