Open to offers. My discord for quick communication! You_Bro#5989
Boxes are in the NPC station Intaki (handy - buy up coupons NPC)
Loot from the boxes:
- Coupons - net claims 50-400m. Sold at galent NPC stations, such as Intaki.
- Boosters infinite (Agency ‘Pyrolancea’ DB9 Dose IV Agency ‘Hardshell’ TB9 Dose IV) and others.
Great product. - In 2 months the price will go up 30-50%. (dropped temporarily due to temporary boosters). Price chart -Agency 'Hardshell' TB9 Dose IV - EVEMarketer. - Boosters are temporary. Active until September 5. - Not a bad item to sell to familiar alliances under pvp wholesale.
- Skins on ships. - In the price is down now, but in half a year will be of value.
- Ammo.
In short
Screenshots of the loot from the boxes: - Claims -
- Loot + boosters.
- Boosters temporary
- the loot from the 400 boxes open by me. Evepraisal - Appraisal 176tvc: 44.07 Billion Buy / 61.08 Billion Sell
Video of opening Minmatar boxes (I have Galena, but the loot is almost the same). - What's inside the Shadow War Reward Crate? (EVE Online) - YouTube
Reasons for selling:
- I got tired of opening them, already opened 2000 pieces.
- I’m not pumped enough trade and I’m not actively playing enough to sell everything.
- I’m going on vacation, there won’t be much time to play. I decided to sell everything a little cheaper, but will get the lawsuits immediately.