
“I am for sale”, Norm Basilicock, 2021

In-game contact -> Spinister
Start           -> 3.0B
B/O             -> 4.0B

:fist_right: :fist_left: BUMP!

will pay 3b for this toon.

Accepted please send isk and account info

Isk and account info sent.

EDIT: Transfer received. Thank you for the business.

Transfer in progress but I made a dumbass error and forgot to transfer the ISK. If you could transfer the ISK to Spinister it would be great. That’s what I get for doing stuff wasted at 2 AM … If not well, my bad

Once I receive the character I will forward the isk to Spinister, no problem!

Went ahead and sent you the isk. Let me know that you received it

Got it, thanks dude!

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