Looking for isk for a new project 61.5mil SP
3day auction.
Offer that tempts me takes outright.
(edit - don’t offer me under extractor value )
Looking for isk for a new project 61.5mil SP
3day auction.
Offer that tempts me takes outright.
(edit - don’t offer me under extractor value )
46 bil
Too low but tyty for kicking it off
47 bil
48 bil
50 bil…
Thanks for the bid chaps - We can do better I feel ? <3
61 billion, have to get home from work though
Off to bed shortly - I am happy with this offer - I need to strip assets regardless.
Xfer to Deep and ill have her on her way to you tomorrow. Transfer will start this time tomorrow on receiving ISK (and me getting back from work) if this works for you.
isk sent
Hey Deb,
Thanks for sending I am in work as we speak will be back at home with open clients in about 4/5 hours. I will confirm receipt of isk at that time.
I will need an hour or so to strip assets and Ill put in the transfer at that time.
Thank you in advance for your patience, and for the very reasonable offer and fast turn around.
We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.
Character Name: Deep Vecor
Will be completed after: 8/14/2018 7:36:50 PM
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