Below Pricing is a Very Rough Estimate (Estimate) in Billions. Not like it matters but characters have never been Skill injected.
12BIL 11.8mil SP
Loki Fleet Booster Very specialized, Must have Fleet Skills
125BIL 134mil SP
Very Nice All around combat Character with Amarr Dread and Carrier Skills. All Races sub Caps
14BIL 15.5mil SP
Jump Freighter, Transports, PI Support Alt
92BIL 92.5mil SP
Industry Rorqual with Fleet Mining Skills, Exhumers, and VERY Good Dread pilot w good gunnery + Jump Freighter Ready
190BIL 180mil SP
Near Perfect In Amarr Skills. Only Has Amarr Skills cant even fly a frigate of a different race. Must See! Perfect Aeon, Dread, Carrier Pilot, Essentially Perfect Amarr Sub Caps
65BIL 72.9mil SP
Spent her life in a cov ops scanner. Exhumers, Dread + amarr BS with great gunnery. Modest Fleet Bonuses + Can Make Alliances. The Perfect Support CEO Alt.
11Bil 11.1mil SP
A Solid Start to an aspiring newbie, Good basic Core skills + some trade skills. Good Starter.
I’ll add prices I am looking to get for each in a bit, I need to do a bit of research I have been out of the game for a while. In the Meantime, make me some offers.
Thanks. Don’t Evemail me, I may not respond because I dont check often.