WTS 93.6 mil SP Freighter pilot Obelisk and Bowhead /Marauder fast b/o

No Killrights
Positive security rating 5.00
Wallet and assets with be 0

Starting bids - 55bil
Buyout - 60 bil

up top!!

50b is my offer

you know? I agree, here people do not want to buy at all, this is horror
can pay isk

you accept mein 50b bid ?

yes yes

ok i will send youre isk an acc name to start the transfer

name and isk send

Did you get the character?

The only posts by this guy seem to be scams :thinking:

think he is offline idk… when he scam i make ticket

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ticket is out. he block all my questions… he scam

Request #1552435

remove account restrictions

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Yesterday at 13:57

remove account restrictions

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GM Tarkin

Today at 04:29

Greetings! I am GM Tarkin.

A lock-down of character transfers and extraction of skill points is in effect. This means that any skill extractions or character transfers do not work for any characters on this account. I am sorry but this restriction is permanent and will not be lifted in order to prioritise the safety of your account.

Please let me know if there’s anything else I may assist you with.

Best Regards,
GM Tarkin
CCP Player Experience | EVE Online
I have nothing to do with

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Your gonna have to give money back then :frowning:

I hope you have already done so hopefully as soon as you realized the deal wasn’t going to happen…

he dont send money back… have live support and ticket out ccp will clear it for me :slight_smile:

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Thanks to the CCP team. I got my isk back. colay Starwolf we could have clarified it differently now ccp will give them punishment after the judging of ccp. I hope they will be excluded from the game and their acc will be useless. I have no understanding of such players.

bad english ^^ sry google helps