Feel free to make offers
The chance of rolling a module with these stats is 0% (1 in 1,965,1317)
Since One Roll does cost 80M on average (75.5M for the repper + 5M for the Mutaplasmid), we are talking about 80,000,000 x 1,965,1317 = 1,572,105,360,000,000 ISK here to repeat that roll on average
You Sir, have just won EVE. DO NOT SELL THIS MODULE. It is worth an empire!
1 Quadrillion, 571 Trillion, 105 Billion, 350 Million ISK mathematical worth to repeat this run!
Of course, the real market value is only ever what someone else is willing to give you for it. But don’t let someone fool you, this is by far the most unlikely object created in the game right now and unlikely ever be surpassed by any other roll.
yeah uhh I’ll give you 2 bill for it.
Message sent in game
responded to in game mail
Price accepted from in game mail. Please contract to me. Thanks!
Contract is up, I hope you enjoy it
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