WTS Rorqual driver and reprocessing char

WTS this character
2 in 1!
He can dig up and recycle. And all this with very good quality
in Jita
no corp
32 mil SP
begin price: 32 bils
offer: 34 bils

34.5 Bil

accepted. pls transfer ISKs and send me account name for begin operation

will be home shortly from work. will transfer then.

As you wish.
Eve is not a game where you need to hurry =)

Have to Biomass a character on my account. So will send everything to initiate the transfer later tonight or very early tomorrow. thank you.


isk send. please start transfer when you can.

ISK and character name received.
Begin transfer

I have opened a support ticket for PLEX character transfer. Waiting for approval.
The previous time it took about 48 hours. I propose to wait until the work is completed

Support reported that the operation is complete. Please confirm

All done. Thank you!

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