You ante getting rich (mining)

Maybe, maybe not. Depends on what else goes on with that account. If that character that salvages…also mines, or also does PVP, or covert cynos…or other characters on the account that already fulfill needed roles for the user, it could be a nice cherry on top to also have that salvage. Also, I know opportunity cost is a thing, but having needed materials on hand right now still beats waiting on a JF delivery.

I’m also just spitballing ideas here as to why @Agondray can’t find cleanup work. He said they are salvaging on their own, so I just theorized from there.

It also doesn’t have to be solely about ticks either. I sometimes run missions and salvage too. Sure, I could make more by just doing missions, but I’d rather salvage too. I’d also make more by blitzing missions, but I don’t do that either. I do me and I enjoy what i do.

Nobody is talking about the ‘poors’ in the game that scrub around in highsec making 15mil / hour they are talking about the rich pulling billions per hour in rorquals. There are a few people in nullsec using rorqual swarms that by my rough estimate are pulling AT LEAST 8 billion isk / hour.

The real title of this post should have been, “Piugattuk isnt getting rich mining because he has no idea what is going on in EVE, but thinks he does.”.

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Last I checked rorquals were down to 150mil/hr from the original 450mil/hr they were by the subsequent nerfs CCP has put out since Ascension. At 150mil/hr theyd need 53 rorquals to do 8bil an hour. You sure your rough estimates are correct?

Please tell us where 53 rorquals congregate and Im sure the Eve food chain shall sort it their “true” isk/hr marks for them.:thinking::smiling_imp:

Yes, im correct there is someone in grrr goons that has 50ish rorquals. Given that even CCP cannot stop Delve Mining i know any attempt by you is going to fail horribly, so go get them if you think you can, and tell me how many trillion you lost trying.

p.s. I also know of another person that is running >40 rorquals but I’m, so looking forward to you being eaten by the goons, i’ll just keep that second guys location to myself.

I realize that the goons cannot seem to take their might on the road with any sort of success but try and hit them at home and your world will suddenly be filled to overflowing with titan drops. Those tards will drop titans on a frigate fleet, it’s ugly as hell.

If renting or owning an entire constellation to mine with 24/7 is your thing and you want to make that much go ahead. IMO theres only one reason someone makes that much and its three letters long, kinda like SMH, but totally different…

Frankly people say I play Eve too much… Sad thing is I could do something as silly as this. Maybe Ill get bored and do it for a day or two…

Frankly, i couldnt imagine running 50 accounts either, i run four accounts and make decent enough isk doing it and that is where im stopping. I made this post only to inform the OP that he knows nothing about what is going on in mining.

Of course you are talking dull sec and my post is about high sec, its not complaining, it’s not whining, it’s to rebuff the myth that mining in high sec is some how “too powerful” many people keep asking to nerf mining, why, because of agendas, how many post have I read about mining nerf, nerf, nerf.

As far as dull sec and their Rorqual’s, good for them, isn’t it risk vs rewards, they are flying multi billion ISK machines and one would think they should be making serious ISK, swarms, you say swarms, not 1 Rorqual, and what does it take to safeguard that fleet of ships, by your best guess you say 50 Rorqual’s, if they are not pulling billions of ISK using over 100 billion in ships/mods/drones then somethings wrong, seriously bring something to the table before you throw out something random and non related.


For the solo player, highsec mining is (and should be) one of the lowest forms of isk income. The benefits of mining are AFK friendly, relative safety, and no tax. When you have fleet boosters from an alt or friendly then it becomes a bit more lucrative in terms of isk, but the safety and tax free life is still there.

Hauling missions are even more boring, but the payout is higher if you don’t autopilot. You pay corp tax and it’s less AFK friendly than mining. These are the tradeoffs.

Everything in EVE has these tradeoffs one way or another. Personally, i prefer to play the game actively rather than focusing on easier AFK options. Over the last week I have been running incursions with Warp to Me because the sites have spawned in very convenient locations (domain region). I spent 4 hours playing doing incursions, talking to people, and remotely station trading in Amarr. This made me 700m (being modest) and I met some new friends also.

Again my tradeoff is that I had to play actively and rarely moved my arse from the chair in 4 hours. If you prefer to play AFK and do out of game tasks then obviously this will net you less isk. If you are so isk focused that you are making such comparisons between mining and hauling, my suggestion to you is ditch both of those options, because there are many more which are both more engaging and financially rewarding.

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TBH, the posts I see are for mining to be altered in general, not just HS.

It’s been common knowledge for years that while HS mining is the steadiest form of ISK income in HS, it’s also the lowest amount.

I have no problem with you pointing it out for the studio audience, but just understand that you’re preaching to the choir here.

–Rock Smiting Gadget

While mining may not be hands on every second it is the mechanic of how it works, players didn’t write the code for it, anybody who hates mining/miners activities can blame someone else.

In any game mining mechanisms are virtually the same point dig, elite dangerous does it similar, but they have drones to collect your winnings, tell you what, it’s not fun either.

Mining or resource harvesting the basic goods shouldn’t be a great chore, it’s not gonna make it any more “fun”, even if things changed to make mining a constant hands on people will still complain and gank miners, nothings changed.
If they changed Roraqals to mine less effective instead of 50 ships they will use 60, 70, or 100 ships to make up the difference, nothings changed, people complain, kinda why I see why ccp stops responding to the constant barrage.


Exactly ZERO people think that highsec mining is making anybody ISK rich so why did you bother making this post.

The ONLY people that are being discussed as getting ISK rich mining is in nullsec.

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What you are missing is that there are frequently posts about trying to nerf mining in many forms, they see someone Multiboxing a fleet “it’s a bot” how do they know and why do they care, that is CCP’s job to worry about bots, this game shouldn’t produce some kind of anxiety over space pixels, but it does, so much so that there are always post going up about ‘bots killing the game’ bots have been in use since this game came out, the code, the code is what it is, easily botted and yet, 15 years of EVE to celebrate, why, why are people so possessed by it.

People in dull sec should be getting rich, they took the leap into the deep, that doesn’t bother me, people worry about 5/10 and think that higher percentage ores should be only a low/dull/WH thing and removed out of high, on and on, I really don’t get the madness, why should others care if mining is simi AFK, it’s their risk if code comes in and they are not watching local.

Tell that to the 100ofmany guy that used to multibox ice back in the day in high sec.

Yeah… no money in that… naawwwww…:roll_eyes::smiling_imp:

Don’t be deceptive, this was back so long ago, 2013, and because this guy was dumb enough to be so brazen to do something like this he got ganked.

Smartbombing tempests took care of his ask, people will do this and that provides content for others.

Actually Im not being deceptive at all. I used to run 9 ice miners for years doing nothing but watching goons gank hapless noobs. Then Id pvp in low sec at the same time. And I was small fry but was still great isk. I was doing 1bil a day with 9, I can imagine what he was pulling in daily with 100.:wink:

Making a billion isk a day with only a handful of miners is easy peasey in high sec. But people whine about poor miners all the time… until you sell them ships and never lose yours and they start realizing how much isk youre actually making off them. Then suddenly they start losing their heads.

PS The Wis used to mine in Dantan and was the poor sob that The Mittani told to kill himself at fanfest that earned him his 30 day ban. The irony is I still see 100ofmany running around in new eden.

not really, they bounce around dropping dozens of mtus in every site, than go back with a noctis, quick salvage, scoop mtu and loot and go to next site, when finished they dock empty noctis, transfer the mtus back over to the supercarrier and start rerunning again

When they ban someone for botting/RMT they should also ban or at least mark every account in the same corporation as the person who was botting/RMT.

This will make botting/RMT a self solved problem because Null alliances will start policing their own instead of intentionally looking the other way.

Rather than compare isk per minute, compare actions per minute and isk per action. Those would be other interesting metrics to compare various activities.

Either that or they’d plant spais and BANWOX other corps. Who knows to what depths these nullsec cartels could stoop? :relevantemoji:

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Actually, if mining was something everyone could do AFK likened to PI then isk will flow in this order;

Custom station owners.
Refineries (if used).

Where actively mining the isk flows

Refineries (if used).

The unknowns are;
How many people will do the AFK mining option, without actually implementing it, there is only questions and theorists who can only guess, will prices be effected, of course, but like everything will have to be hashed out to balance it.

That is key, afk mining should be less efficient (much less), then active mining, this sets up those who will and those who will find it a waste of time.
Miners will always mine their own stuff because it’s what they do doo.

But like everything if we don’t do nothing but find reasons to kill ideals and innovations then we only have ourselves to blame for not having a dynamic universe instead of a static one, shrugs.