You ante getting rich (mining)

The most important words in this sentence are…‘used to’.

Hence nobody that matters is talking about highsec fortunes being made mining. Your topic is years out of date and it smells of bad milk for a reason.

Just let’s both agree this topic was a diseased and decaying horse the second you decided to post it and let your embarrassment quietly drift off into forum oblivion.

LOL you know whats funny? Your ignorance. Trust me making a lot of isk in high sec mining is more than quite possible…

And to use a phrase of your own IQ and age level: “I know something you dont know!!” Seeing as you like going back to the kindergarten playground with your posts I might as well get on the jungle gym with you and push you down the slide face first.

except for all the isboxers that were soloing incursions left in super fleets to go to null, I knew of several taking their 60+ accounts out after selling their Nightmare fleets.

Your entire post has not a single citation to a post where someone has complained about highsec mining money making. I cannot find a thread requesting nerfs going back a month on this general forum, and quite frankly I can’t even remember a post about one.

So I checked my mining figures. Porpoise/covetor combo, ~165,000m3 per hour (thats what I ran at today), at my alts refine, mining the same stuff you did (but without 5%/10% ores) 3 hours, 20 minutes to mine your 9 hour output in highsec, refining in highsec and selling as refined in the forge. Whatever input to balancing is taken, it can’t be someone mining as badly as you.

Yeah, I know I am not the ultimate miner, probably not as organized as you, nobody knows, take your greatness and feel proud.

Hmm…ofc you can make billions mining in hi sec if you want and can afford the setup it needs. With 2 covetors and porpoise im making enough minerals to sustain my small scale hi sec industry jobs. And yes i know null sec is way more profitable but occasionally its fun to mine in peace without yhe need to check intel channels or local

You know, I could use that setup, however, that thingy they call code paid a visit and blew my covetor to smithereens and had time to pod kill my alt in a 0.9 system, that was all I needed to understand, a covetor, hulk, Mack, all those are magnets for them, I don’t mind getting less yield, I’m not in a race with anyone, I mine when it suits me, definitely not a full time miner, I make my ISK through PI + T2 building, and anything else I happen to scrounge up, there are lots of opportunities in EVE for ISK.

3 jumps out of jita and 3 jumps out of halaima (codes home base). lol

I have mined in andole, which is a stationless dead end still not patrolled by code to this day. It also had for reasons I never understood mostly 5% and 10% ore, and usually nobody else mined the belts a long way from the gate, so max size roids. No trouble to get couriers villore to jita and your ore volumes are easily sold in dodi anyway.

In all honesty one of the reasons code exists is to push players like you out of newbie systems.

Chuckles, ok, advertising that system as quite has put it on the radar for so many crazies, good job.

I’m not in there, so i doubt anyone will be motivated to check it, and there are plenty of other places you can check that code are unlikely to go to.

Meh, code is code, they do as they do.

CODE thrased my nereus the other day when i was afk traveling with my other toon but i dont mind it i got 3 kill rights wich i made active to all for 10mil isk and i just might bring 1 of my toons to check if i might find them there and try to return the favor.

Yup, me no care either, code is code, what else do you expect from them, I’ll just do as I do doo.

Ohhh, sorry…

I thought it’s a BITCOIN farming thread :thinking:

Magic internet tokens.

Doesn’t CCP have a way of catching the botters that run courier missions? I mean, it is so obvious that this kind of thing would be exploited by bots. How could they not?

Active Mining is already much more efficient than AFK mining is. You don’t mine efficient with just one miner and with many miners, you can’t afford to AFK it.

Mining efficiently also means “Rorqual” and suddenly, you are in 0.0 and try to go AFK there. Yes, there are days where you can do it “mostly” AFK, but there are days where AFK mining will net you a lost Rorqual and billions in some excavators.

Even if you use Macks/Retrievers, you lose efficiency. The ones that actually do AFK mining are mining very little m3. I would say forget about it tbh.

Code is also laughable, trying to prevent the poor from picking up breadcrumps. Pathethic.

Bit back I put a marathon of 7 hours of mining, today, the same, finally, like going on a far trip and wanting it to be over I did it, I finally stuffed a Bowhead in the oven, man it takes some effort to get enough minerals in high sec but it is done.

Will be curious to see how HS mining changes come the 13th. Already preparing stuff for leeching some moon rocks.

–Don’t mind Gadget

I’ve scouted out some places although I do plan on making deals with refinery owners for access to the field such as an agreement to refine at their station this way they get ISK.

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