You are warping away from your drones QoL message spotted on test server

Seems as the world intelligence goes down, CCP needs to follow the trend, and dumb down the game more and more… Sad.


Just experienced another one of these QoL messages on SiSi: a big popup window to hand in a mission remotely. I was running an Amarr epic arc, so it may not be the case in general. However

Three points:
The Negative first

  • it entirely blocks the view, which can be trouble in the middle of a fight where you killed the target early
  • it will make the kiddies forget where they came from (“how do I find the station with the agent again”)

The Positive

  • it will get you killed eventually. There’s nothing more disruptive / annoying / angering than popups in the middle of a fight. Oh, and :red_circle: too of course.

Catering to those with only one functional cerebral hemisphere is not the answer, ccp. The UI is rapidly degrading into an annoying mess, and you remain in denial since this :red_circle: monstrosity.



“Your ship is about to explode. Ragequit now? (Yes / No)”


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