'You have a new item' or how do i waste the time of my devs the best way

Prove otherwise, I’ll quite happily present my evidence as to your former alts, and the fact that you’ve biomassed 5 in the last 3 years.

Oh wait I forgot, any evidence that disagrees with your position is a fabrication.

Why should i?

You are the one that claims so its your job to proof it…

Seriously, he’d not be in this mental state if we could smack some sense into his face. Would probably help a lot of people snapping back into reality. As that’s not a possibility and as he’s definitely too much of a coward to even dare arranging such a meeting, what’s the point anyway?

I’ve already named your former alts, the content of their posts points to them being you; and the evidence for their biomassing is public domain.

Well it’s not me that constantly keeps this vendatta alive…

Are you responding, or not? If you are, then you are helping keeping it alive. As you are, you definitely are helping keeping it alive.

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It’s not me that constantly jumps into my posts and sells itself as the white knight of forum integrety…

You’re also not the greater man who just stops responding to it. Instead you act like someone who has no other option but replying because he can’t take it. Your actions and that self image, you try to keep up, are completely opposite.

Ignoring that, pretty much everyone already knows what’s going on in your mind. You’re literally the only one left who doesn’t get it, but that’s not unusual, so I’m not going to hold it against you.

Btw, can you clear this up for me?

Did you misstype something? Usually helicopter parents don’t start protecting their child when it’s 35, usually it’s the opposite. It’s already established that your parents had to be pretty serious narcissists, who loved to push you down constantly, but I really would like to have some sort of explanation of what that line actually meant.


I’m also going to stop again, because I don’t want to interfere in that love affair you’re having with Jonah. :slight_smile:



That sounds moist.

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I’ve never tried to sell myself as this; try harder.

What is unclear about that?

Read it in context and use your brain and it becomes pretty clear…

You did and the fact you didn’t recognized it is part of the problem…

I feel deeply sorry for you and share these deep feelings of hate against your parents.

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And i feel so sorry for you being stupid and one-dimensional and limited in your capability of understanding a text that you are only able to understand what is written there and not what is MEANT(a common problem these days)…

Ask teachers about it…you will understand.

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This is turning into a GIGO subthread.

It’s hardly surprising, is it?

“I have decided that you did a thing and therefore I am right and you are wrong. Because I said so and my made-up reasons prove it”

Oh my ACTUAL God…

Be a better CEO.


And you know all there is to know about claiming ■■■■■■■■.

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I know where this is going. You better stop now before you become a dark lord.