Your Prediction: Keynote, boom or bust?

Heh, good one. Never heard of him! And it’s hilarious how you think the cause of your bitching is CCP. :smiley: if this was actually the case, then that’d mean you’d need to seek help, because that’s some seriously irrational, actually insane behaviour. :grin:

should i have heard of him? you seem desperate for attention lol

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This coming from YOU! Hilarious! :grin:

So who’s rivr then

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Yeah, prepare for the golden age of highsec ganking. Also don’t forget Alpha Macharials, nullsec fleets are about to get even more macharial-only.

From you a few posts above… “Do you ever not ■■■■■?”
Pot calling the kettle black etc.

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Alphas cant fly pirate ships.

At least thats how Ive understood the changes.

Your mistaken, after the soon-to-be alpha changes, all alphas will be able to train all races, which will unlock pirate ships all the way upto battleship varrients. A balance dev at vegas directly told us faction ships will be possible on the new alpha accounts.

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i’m definitely going to enjoy the minmaxing of combat oriented mining vessels. :blush:

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