Your year in EVE!

they not have pi logs…

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Awesome video. Definitely an improvement over last year’s.

Despite all the hardships I still love this game. I hope we’ll have some better times ahead of us soon.

Well done!

PS. The music for the video is really good, any chance of letting us know what it is @CCP_Swift ?

They did last year.

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ngl, despite all the recent silliness not having the video yet is my biggest disappointment with htis game right now


Extremely lame. :frowning:

Unlikely, as it is based on activity between 1 Dec. 2020 to 30 Nov. 2021

I had to laugh at how boring a year I had in EvE. Maybe next year will be more interesting :slight_smile:

Still no email. feelsbadman ccpisbadman

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The first iteration of “Your year in EVE!” in 2019 was easy to access as it was a website link, it wasn’t restricted to Omega accounts and it gave us a good amount of details.

The 2020 one was restricted if I remember well, and it looked less “cool” than the previous one in my opinion, but gave more details.

The 2021 version… seriously, can we get a website instead, with a link in the blog ? Why do you always choose the complicated way instead of the simple one ? I did not receive any mails.


I think you have that backwards, the 2019 video was through an Email, the 2020 video was through a web site.

Also I haven’t received my Email yet and I’ve been subbed as Omega for the entire year (and more)…


cause it’s CCP.

they NEVER… do anything easy… I been with them for YEARS.
and I can honestly tell you… with a sad heart the word “Simple” or “Easy” is NOT in their Vocabulary. :disappointed_relieved: :cry:


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The single damn e-mail I would be interested in receiving this year from CCP and it’s not arriving…

You sure managed to send me ads for every single skin sale, you managed to e-mail me every time my omega is about to expire like a clockwork, but THIS one is too much?

Why isn’t this available by logging into your account?

You can be sure that if I ever receive this e-mail, I will promptly unsubscribe from your mailing list for the next year. This is not the way to do this.


no email yet…

I thought this was fun. Thanks!

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Give yourself some credit. I see your name everytime I come here.
That’s something :smirk:

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show me

Here’s a screenshot from my 2020 video:


For those of you who weren’t subscribed to the email, we’ve put together a quick app that will let you look up your videos (and Steve Ronuken was kind enough to host it for us over the weekend before I can look into getting it onto a proper EVE Online webpage next week).

End of Year Video Lookup:

Just log in with your main character (for these videos, that’s your character with the most SP) and it will redirect you to your video!


Perfect! Thank you! And thank you for the quick workaround. <3 :smiley:

PS: One smol nit to pick: the download link doesn’t appear to work, for mine atleast. But still, thank you!

PSS: Found a solution. Right click the download button, copy link, paste into a new tab, click the 3 dots when it loads and download from there.

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