Zombie Apocalypse

According to the novel World War Z Iceland is completely overrun with zombies…just saying.

they tried this before when they called it iceland.
did anyone actually go and check?

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Don’t worry OP, everything is planned. BTW, do you have a towel handy?


I am sure there were many glorious EVE battles in their lifes, and they died many times so its like a granted. :sunglasses:

Fight, die, live again the next day. EvE practically is Valhalla.

At CCP, the intern’s duties entail:

Providing hot beverages of individual choice for specific employees.

Assembling hard copy reports for the use of investors.

In emergencies, Serving as first contact* with heavenly bodies to ensure the safe passage of select personnel.

–Gadget likes her coffee with cream

*Combat training at intern’s own expense

I’ll play Pokemon GO 2.0

just get an AR with 1000 rounds of ammo and a few boxes of payday bars… you wont outlast the payday or the ammo but can have fun and still eat while doing it before you die.

well…they are in Iceland. aka any zombies will freeze to death.

so the plan is, survive, sail to Iceland. play EVE as the world recovers

Now i just remember… Servers are in London! That’s bad, people…

The policies are that the server goes down until all zombies are dead. Give it a week and we’ve stacked the zombie corpses so high we can run our pc’s for decades just on the biofuel from the rotting corpses. No offline stuff, HTFU!

Meh, everyone knows that in the event of a Zombie Apocolypse any EvE playing survivors will be too busy claiming Sov in there local area to play EvE for at least a week.


Topic moved to Out of Pod Experience. Cause Zombies, apparently.

Surely Out of Pod would be more for ‘Invasion of the bodysnatchers’? Zombies would need an undead sticky, like AFK Cloaking…

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