01/02/2020 - Connectivity Issues

i am online over the second window after ignoring the connection error pushing connect

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Well y’know, when people don’t have much else going for them in life, anything looks like a life raft.

Matter of principle…paying for a service and not getting it doesn’t sit well.

There are a few other games out there after all.

Yea you can get on by bypassing the error on connect but all chats are down got on for a few min and decided forget it till they fix it

Quality control borked another patch.
Not as bad as boot.ini patch.
but not much better

Was able to log on but no chat channels and could not apply skill points form today’s NPC kill

No Fleet, no chat, no corp, no alliance chats :frowning:


Not all kids playing here. I’m an older retired, disabled person who spends most my time on-line. Have over 12 years in the game and it gets frustrating when it doesn’t work. Chat has been a problem for a long time, usually rebooting the game fixes it, but not today. I’ve dropped my active accounts from 9 down to 3 over the last year. As someone else said, they are other games out there, I hate to lose such a long term investment, but the direction the game has been taking and the inability of the operator to keep it working properly has taken too much of the enjoyment out of it.

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Come back after a 3 year break to not being able to log in 3 accounts, fantastic i see nothing has changed.

same here

No its not my end the issue is there crap server

Whit Brexit means EVExit aswell :guardsman:

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Worse today for me than previous days.

I only get the error message :

The network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.
Possible causes are problems with the local Internet connection, a server restart or a temporary network interruption between your location and the EVE Online data centre.

Lags back with a vengence though. did manage to play a haunted yard and got an escalation plus sentian drone drop though.

where is the CCP official response to our tears?

Logged in a couple of accounts after DT, but local and corp chat is down in both Null and HiSec. I would not undock with any shiny and expensive ship at the moment.

Pretty sure they have been under DDoS attacks since the 27th, might want to ease up on the hate.


How many games get DDoS’d this long? Either their systems are too vulnerable or this is turning out to be the worst DDoS attack in gaming history.