01/02/2020 - Connectivity Issues

I was logged in after reboot but now back to same ol’ same ol’

no log in :confused:

able to login but stil broken chat channels and no local

Just getting up so forgive me for not knowing and asking - extended DT is over, and hasn’t fixed anything?

Nothing fixed… It’s all FUBAR… grrrr

We have 2 threads for this already. Don’t see why it warrents a third for your astute observation.

can t log in

need help!

Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.
This may be caused by local internet connectivity issues, by a server reboot, or by a temporary network disruption between your location and the EVE Online data center.

It’s worse now than before downtime. In the morning i got two accs logged in with chats. Now i can’t get corp/alliance/local on any acc. Can login just fine though (error on 1st try but pressin “connect” always works for me)

not working chat
i tested port 5222 and work

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Can we please stop spamming the forums with new posts about this.

Cant log in AGAIN im getting pissed off with this now days of this crap everytime I want to play the bloody game CCP you are a joke!

I’m sure posts like this really help get things fixed…

go outside and breathe

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Not be posts like this if we had not been waiting almost 5 days for them to sort this crap out!

Out of those 5 days, for me there as been a total of like 4 hours really “unplayable”.

Sort your own crap out that obviously seems to add to the issue.

Took me twice to log in . start up launcher login almost never works , but then it shows the secondary connect screen and that almost always works. alot less lag , not perfect … particularly when notifications want to show up. but yeah . chat is not loading … " could not connect com 5222. as far as im concerned not critical anyway. nobody talks anyhow… playing anyway

Germany -
No Connection - Not able to log in.
BTW without chat windows you will fly blind, because you cannot see players listed in local.

Come on CCp fix ya game as this is getting beyond a joke

meh… if you need it i respect that … but not here. dscan is a wonderful skill to develop.

And extended DT but no fix…

Cant connect Cant Play.

3 Subscriptions…renewal hazy.

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You guy are worse then coke addicts going cold turkey.