Everything is still wonky. I attempted to start a research job, but the blueprint just keeps switching itself back to a manufacturing job.
Pretty much mostly unplayable at this point for me.
Everything is still wonky. I attempted to start a research job, but the blueprint just keeps switching itself back to a manufacturing job.
Pretty much mostly unplayable at this point for me.
The only good time to play is just after DT. Thankfully, that’s around 7:45 am here (I’m in Newfoundland). However, It’ll only be good for about 15 minutes then everything starts to lag. I guess the DDoS bricked a few servers and they need to be replaced, leaving the rest of the servers running at max capacity. I think that’s why it’s taking so long. Have patience.
We know that the main pressing problem now is not chats, but “Moa displays Toxic cloud effect without a SKIN applied”. Apparently, all the forces of CCP fix it.
Next update will be called: “Pay and Cry”. EVE client will only have a “Pay” button, you do not need to enter the game) There will still be no chat, no character, no space - one big black hole. With triglavians)
I think I can give you a run for your money on that one.
I can connect, i can play, but local is messed up. I see corp mates in station, but not in local.
No way i’m gonna play like that.
Hey Gang,.
This last week has been a bytch,.and I understand you have your hands full,.but can you please take a few minutes and explain to us what exactly is going on and why only certain regions are being effected ?
Thanks !!
I understand,.and yes patients is a virtue indeed,.and I’m not looking to place blame on anyone, or point the finger,.just looking for a nice update,.because I need one,and I’m sure I am not alone,.my game is still broken,.
Sadly the only thing working consistently for me is advertisements for their horribly greedy new “deal pack” DLCs. Ugh. I think I’m going to actually win EVE this time.
Normally I can find 1 or 2 of those deals that I wouldn’t mind buying for my account and I could financially justify them…but omg these new deals suck.
,…Bueller Bueller, Bueller,
The problem with that would be your inability to understand what any of the explanation meant as well as being a total waste of time they could be using to instead continue working on the problem.
Before you say something incredibly dumb like “how do you know I wouldn’t understand” it is simple - if you had any idea at all about what is involved you would not have made this moronic thread in the first place…
Better to not give any detail. Then the attackers have less info about how they are being dealt with. Makes it harder for them to adjust their attack.
I don’t care to much what is going on, but to be honest, I havent been able to play normally for over 4 day’s now.
Have you ever heard of WOW servers not being stable and available for such a long time?
Why would someone even think the servers who run multiple instances of WoW independently, are in any way or form comparable to the cluster which runs one, single EVE ONLINE? Because they don’t know how it works? Because they’re ignorant? Because they don’t know how else to express their dissatisfaction?
What I do know for sure, though, is that you, Sir, should do your name justice.
As opposed to an expert like you who insisted everything was fixed a few days ago and it was only an American affiliate that was having problems.
CCP’s true crime is not banning your troll ass from spamming what is essentially their customer service forum.
CCP, this is a sincere offer, ban this POS troll and you can ban me too. It would be a worthy sacrifice.
And who, do YOU think, is responsible for that? Right CCP, which I pay a small amount of money to be able to play their game. And at the moment I can’t (like many others with me.) So sorry for speak up and making the comparison although i do agree it is comparing apples with pears.
14 posts merged.
Same ■■■■ different day.
chat still bugged etc
Yep, can confirm. And connection issues have not disappeared either. I really wonder what was the point of this long DT.