01/02/2020 - Connectivity Issues

Its about time CCP communicate what the hell is realy going on!!
On a more personal note, lack of communication is really currently the big plague of modern gaming. Leaving people without communicating or telling what is going on is the worst. Even if there is no solution yet, if you are working on it or if you don’t give a ■■■■, say it. Not communicating makes you look like ■■■■■■■ idiots.


No chat, clearing cache removing accounts and readding does nothing. Nmap to chat server and port reveals no issues at all. There’s 100% not a local ISP and or firewall issue.

Not sure how many players will find this interesting but like many players I have been experiencing connection problems for many days (I have lost track).

I have also read that it is mainly effecting my geographic location, which in my case is Eastern North America.

So I fired up a VPN and routed to the United Kingdom (things are lovely here).

Sure enough this fixes all problems but chat currently

This was purely an experiment because I was curious. Of course, it is not acceptable that this “needs” to be done to play the game.

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Sadly I couldn’t seem to login to the forums last night. Just hung on the login.

The problems ar not on our end.
The problems ar on CCP end.
So people can stop trying to fix it with all kind of solutions to get a more playeble game.

I agree.

I was just curious and I have VPN access available to me.

Thanks to all for their troubleshooting input. VPN seems to fix my ongoing issues (US East Coast) but why jump through hoops to get something working.

For now I’ve cancelled by 2 accounts and will let Omega time run out. Maybe more will do the same.

Perhaps a lousy Monday morning subscription report in will get adequate resources to the engineers to resolve these problems. If not, got cash to use somewhere else.

It’s not a problem of US region, I’m playing in Germany and there are the same problems.

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Dude, what the hell? Don’t know why you guys are so obstinate about trolling me for posting CCP’s official support page that specifically pertains to the current issue?

If something is posted and it doesn’t pertain to you, then just ignore it and move along. Only trolls try to turn it into a major issue.

By the way, some people may not have had that port open, some may not have whitelisted CCP / Eve Online / Launcher with their firewall. Some may not have known about clearing their cache or verifying all downloaded files in the Launcher, some may not have known about refreshing the launcher.

I didn’t and when I found that info, I followed it and I can now log into the game with chat working. West Coast USA


Agree on this being a common North America potential issue. In North Carolina I’ve had the same issues for the last 3 days, launcher sometimes times out (“connection to server was lost”), even though it authenticates my two accounts password/username, and I have to try the launch again. Second attempt sometimes lets me in, but then there is lag. Even undocking takes minutes now as opposed to seconds. I warped to belts and planets and that seems to be normal - crazy as that sounds. The previous days warping around had delays of 30 seconds or more. My guess is CCP is making gradual progress, but they must be having a lot of issues. I’ve played this game off and on since they created it. There have been some events were the game has been negatively impacted for a few days, so my advice would be to be patient. For those that had legitimate impacts to their corps’ operations (missed moon mining, couldn’t defend a structure in space, etc.), I would just petition it. It may take a little while, but they will get back to and try to make things right. Don’t troll and don’t whine. Everyone knows it sucks and as much as we collectively want to hear updates, be talked to, and be told wtf is going on, every time they need to do that, they another person away from the troubleshooting to appease the masses which is not ideal.

In Pennsylvania, have had connection issue since DDoS. Was able to log into account in launcher, but never log into game

I don’t think the problem only affect people from NA. I’m from Malaysia, from South East of Asia (SEA) region. I can connect to the game, there is no lag no delay but the chat is not working. It said can’t connect to live.chat.eveonline.com:5222. It was working fine yesterday but today its not.

Maybe if we tell CCP some useful information, it will help them to pinpoint which server/port/connection is affecting the gameplay. Please trust them, they are working hard to fix this and they are not just laying around watching Netflix all week.

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The good news is, the buffoon corporation that decided to renew their idiotic Wardec on my corp just wasted 100M isk.


Just adding that I am not able to connect as well. Heen like this for the last week. I do hope that we get compensation for the missed daily quest sp that we are missing!

Day 7, still having a hard time connecting, I can usually get in for about 10 minutes to 20 minutes using the mentioned method using the launcher after initial failure. Game is not playable and Keep getting disconnected. Us North East.

Just doing my daily routine of playing forums online and posting what everyone else knows already… eve is still having issues for some of us. :wink:

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Yup, you’re close to me. So no wonder, we only have the forums to come qq to, cause we’re sure not making any isk atm…

This is getting old. 5 days of this is making it hard to want to be a customer.

When I log in I get the connection failed pop up window. I then hit the connect button, it normally takes two or three times to get logged in. Sometime the chats work or only half the chats load or none of the chats load. I have been able to do little to nothing in Eve since Tuesday. Today I have not been able to stay logged in for more then 5 minutes at most.

Eve online just went through a DDoS attack Aug. of last year. Since DDoS is happen this often CCP should have an SOP for dealing with this.

  1. Uninstall game
  2. Clean registry
  3. Reinstall game
  4. If launcher fails to log then hit connect on window above at beginning of this thread

Have been playing since last night, do get disconnected once in a while but my chat works now and has since I did this. This may not work for all but it did for me. I live in Michigan eastern time zone.

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don’t let the door hit you on your way out :poop: head

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so it turns out corp/allaince chats are now dead too? it worked right before downtime today :man_shrugging: