01/02/2020 - Connectivity Issues

14:31 Got in. Hacking Relic site in my c1 LS static wh.
14:33 First lag experience
14:39 Made 15 million hacking
14:42 Thank you Guristas a 47 million can!
14:45 another 6 million
14:47 laggy but another 6 million
14:50 Not errible right now
14:51 Spoke to soon. 10 second delays on some click commands.
14:54 Normalish speed of play for 3 minutes. Deposit 85 million in hangar!
14:58 Off to Angels Data Site,
15:00 more click delays
15:02 Afraid I may be losing connection.
15:04 For 2-3 minutes visually I am orbiting can but am getting no response from clicks on hacking game and overview distances are no longer changing as I orbit.
15:06 Connection Lost, attempting to reconnect same character.
15:08 Screen says logging in and authenticating
15:10 Connection Timeout - The server did not initiate the compatibility-handshake within a reasonable amount of time
15:10 Clicked Ok then connect
15:11 Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.
This may be caused by local internet connectivity issues, by a server reboot, or by a temporary network disruption between your location and the EVE Online data center.
15:11 Clicked Ok then connect under settings it says checking status twice. Waiting again to connect and authenticate.
15:12 Still waiting Server says Tranguility other says unable and something about port
15:14 Connection Timeout - The server did not initiate the compatibility-handshake within a reasonable amount of time THEN something about handshake.
15:15 Logged off and restarted launcher. I notice new “value” packs are available that are more expensive and less desirable than previous ones.
15:17 Awaiting new attempt to launch game. Connection Timeout - The server did not initiate the compatibility-handshake within a reasonable amount of time
clicked OK
15:18 Clicked connect and notice that the Tranquility service status is OK! and there are over 18336 players playing! I am going to make it 18337 players!
1521 Authenticating…
15:22 Authenticating still…
15:23 Guess what? STILL Authenticating…and hoping.
15:24 compatibility-handshake within a reasonable amount of time FAIL! OK CONNECT! What is this port 26000 and how do I change it?
15:28 Been almost an hour. Played 30 minutes sort of. Tried logging in for longer than that. Not sure this helps CCP understand what a player is experiencing in the SE USA. I guess I might check back later. Going to try to enjoy real life.

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if you look at what is going on WoW was attacked BD was attacked along with at least 4 other MMOs this isnt just a eve problem its a mass attack across the internet. the better question is who is doing this and what do they have to gain from such mass attacks across so meany MMOs.

Probably the latter.

So WoW and BD are still down?

not sure about WoW dont play it but BD is still having issues on my end and a few others i know.

So is the 18000 players playing just a lie?

think its just a very few right now i was connected earlier but it got unstable for me. starting to wonder if this isnt just a DDos thing on MMO games but across the internet as i have see my isp having issues last week.

I am sure everything is fine. Go play. Enjoy yourself.

I’m having the same problem, and getting a little annoy by it

It is not a lie, the game is not unplayable but your chat windows and local will not work. Depending on what you’re doing in the game that can either be good or bad, but if that doesn’t bother you just use your directional scanner if you’re in dangerous space.

Got on after 2 tries, but couldn’t access anything…then got disconnected.

and lets not forget the DDos attack that lasted an hour yesterday on steam its self as well so yeh there is a greater issue at hand

So how is it that Steam ends it’s DDoS in an hour and Eve’s has lasted days? What is the longest sustained DDoS in gaming history?

Not a DDoS.

“… you make it too easy…”

The person I was responding to said it was a DDoS, not me champ.

Not a response but another statement of yours regarding this being a DDoS. Champ.

Keep trying to log in. Game is working fine, no lag, etc… only exception is chat. Since I hate people anyway, blackout conditions are fine for me.

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I was arguing his premise. If you have a problem with his premise, take it up with him. If that doesn’t make sense to you, I am afraid I can’t help you.

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I just canceled 2 out of 3 omega accounts. Done with paying for this crap

To argue for someone’s premise you must by definition agree with it. You agree it is a DDoS thereby putting yourself in the wrong yet again.

But it was you stating it, so either way…