I installed a VPN and I can now get in. I suspect CCP was blocking IPs during their DDOS attack.
I am seeing significant delays in server responce and disconnects again !!
u disconnect we never connect
To everyone ragequitting, feel free to contract all your stuff over to me, since you won’t be needing it anymore.
Please contract your stuff to me for proper use.
Please contract your items to me for proper use.
I can’t contract stuff. I can’t login ffs
Getting the “Connection Failed” 4 times out of 5, clicking “Connect” works every time. US IP.
Chats are not showing all members and sadly the Redemption Roams fleet I’ve been looking forward to has had to reschedule.
(edit: fleet boss was unable to create fleet, plus chat issues made it too difficult to post invite links)
You didn’t have to do any of that. All you had to do was wait.
EDIT: I realize some people can log in and others cannot…and that sucks, but in the end, all these workarounds people are coming up with, weren’t necessary for me. I guess I’m one of the lucky ones.
I’ve been using a UK based VPN for the past 48 hours and haven’t had any issues except for the chat which is sometimes broken. I just tried to log in without VPN and it failed miserably. USA East Coast here FYI.
I used my Smartphone to create WiFi access point and had no problem accessing Eve over that.
Eve on itself is quite bandwidth friendly and it’s usage should be covered by most data plans.
Today marks 8 days without being able to play. I am down over 10B ISK and im probably going to lose my structure in the next few days. Thanks CCP… I expect some heavy payout for this idiotic BS
So having no issues in UK over DDOS last week I lost all chat channels last two days. Flying blind under a wardec but went out anyway was fun. However logged in tonight first time and would you believe it chat channels all back on this character. YEAH i said awesome. I talked in corp and local and feeling emboldened thought I’ll go over to another character I have, check the price of plex in Jita and you know maybe spend some of that hollar dollar get me some plex I need to sell. Logged out onto another character and BLAMMOOO. No F’king chat channels. Checked the price anyway. Didn’t commit to buying the plex I mean WTF would I when I cant see local so thought okay well my first character my this one worked, So logged out, restated PC then using the CCP sanctioned method of logging in you know the old select OK followed by CONNECT and yeah no channels, on the character 10 minutes previoulsy I had channels on. Lol. CCP is donkey_cock. Can someone suggest a better MMO to stick my money into please?
Wow, somebody has been gotten to.
I am not going to waste my time finding all your stupid ass quotes. Pretty much everyone here knows what you are. Your continued presence here, trolling unhappy customers is just more evidence of how little CCP cares about their playerbase. If you guys can’t give us a fix, at least take out the garbage.
Yup this is crazy.
This is day seven of connectivity issues for myself. I’m US East Coast time zone. As others have noted, I too have difficulty logging in; but, at times, I suspect part of the issue is the last account I logged out of, on my end, has not yet disconnected on CCP’s end (lag), as I get the Alpha account log-in warning. This can persist. I get the warning message repeatedly, despite waiting, “refreshing” the launcher, and clearing the cache files. Restarting my computer will stop it; but I find that an extreme solution. I have alpha and omega accounts. The only practical work-around I have is to sequentially log the omega accounts, and only later try logging the alphas.
I am logging in, only to check the skill que, and to check for game stability, and to check for messages. Stablity is inadequate, as I get random disconnects from chats and the game itself, and during the rare moments when I am connected I experience lag when I try to do pretty much anything, which leaves me not doing very much at all…because the game is too unstable.
In addition, I too want to express my disappointment in CCP’s failure to communicate with the players affected by this event.
In the recent past, during CCP Falcon’s tenure, I became used to his method of communicating to the player base during “outage” events. There was a dedicated thread, with timely updates all listed in the original post, and a banner across the launcher. I found this to be effective and I appreciated it. I realize he has moved on and we must get used to his successor’s approach to communication.
But I miss the old approach.
I’m finally able to login and see chat. However, things like Assets, Market, and the Wallet all take a while to load, when they even do. I’m just sitting in station a while to see if I maintain a connection.
Seven says of this crap here in sunny Florida. CCP you are really starting to surprise me at the sheer incompetence you are displaying in not tackling this situation while literally thousands of your customers have this game in a completely unplayable state.
I’m not sure what is worse, the fact that I haven’t been able to log in for seven days, or the fact that your communication over what the f*** is going on is so completely and utterly ■■■■ right now. FFS the least you can do is explain just what the hell is actually going on rather than be so vague and incommunicative about it in general.
At this point I’d even consider liquidating my assets and quitting, if I could log in to do so.
Contract your stuff to me ty.
it’s your glasses