Oh how original …
Hello, I am still getting “Connection Failed” and when I do get connected I keep getting randomly disconnected. Chicago, IL.
I got a notification from you for that? Really? Stop wasting my time.
who is wasting whose time.
I have no idea who you are. So I guess the answer would be “some nobody is wasting my time cos they think they somehow matter”.
Stop linking me cos you need to feel like I noticed you. Even with making the notification pop up I won’t remember you as you are beneath me.
CCP should sell “error connecting to chat” skins.
Realistically they shouldn’t be running the timer on omega. Unluckily for ccp, my monthly sub ends today and I’m just not gonna renew until the game works. There are plenty of things ccp could be doing for their customers. Not happy with the geographically selective method of ability to play, not happy with the largely silent treatment, not happy with the whole paying for no service thing. Not a good end to my first month back in 5 years.
Is this part of the “Chaos Era”??? No seriously, it’s not, but this is getting ridiculous. Even the people that can play (which I am not one of them) are experiencing issues to some degree, be it lag, or comms blackouts, connection or login in issues… I have no assets online the line, but I know plenty of people probably do. I say shut down the cluster till this is resolved.
No, I didn’t try reinstalling. I did manage to get in a couple of different times earlier today. The first time everything lagged out after a few minutes to such a degree that I gave up and tried to log out, only to find that the log out button was not responding at all. I had to kill -9 the freaking process.
The second time I had better luck and was able to do various station things for an hour or so without being disconnected. Chat channels are unreliable and the market and industry interfaces get these obnoxious 1-2 minute bouts of lag when loading data, but otherwise it’s at least barely usable. I dare not leave the station though.
Did you get a notification for this message? I ask because I wanted to deliberately waste your time.
So now one week into unplayable nonsense.
Still paying for omega status.
Been patted on the head and told to be patient
Watched 24k players from other parts of the world or via VPN play
Been given any explanation as to whats actually wrong
Had the game restored to playable status
Thanks it worked for me.
Had an hour this morning where I couldn’t connect. Tried again a couple hours later and it was back to the stage where you get “Connection Failed”, click OK on that, click the Connect button lower middle of client and seems to have worked the rest of the day.
Also, once I started reconnecting around noon, from that point on chat has worked normally. Connecting from Eastern Ontario, Canada.
what worked for you?
Press Ok and Connect again As the picture above shows. But I also uninstalled the launcher and reinstalled it.
I tried all the things suggested in this thread and still can’t log in 99% of the time and when I do I am able to stay on line for like 3 minutes. I am done. I was able to stop the billing on my main account but now I can’t even log in to the others to cancel them because the website times out. Fail CCP epic fail.
You have been given an explanation to what’s going on.
DDoS attack, log in issues, disconnect issues, and chat issues. They are working to fix it.
What, do you need a detailed report of what fixing that stuff entails?
The Dev posts I’ve read through, and they are very sparse for a weeks downtime from US east coast, only talk about a DDoS attack…what… 5+ days ago? I’m sure it has lasting effects, but the whole “Were under constant DDoS attack, nothing can be done” doesn’t ring true to me.
Without transparent information from CCP, we’re left to come up with our own explanations. IE is their anti DDoS efforts whats actually causing the continued log in issues in the east US? Why do some connections hang on “authenticating” for 10 mins but if you immediately close it and re-launch it goes through that step seemlessly.
Why do the issues, one day it’s launcher works but game won’t connect, the next game connects but lags horribly, the next chat is broken, the next chat is back but launcher won’t even come up. It’s a cascade effect of problems and all we get is “DDoS attack” we’re working on it…and now its a week later.
All most of us are asking for is the truth as to whats going on and god forbid a real update every 24 hrs.
One of my mentors always said, vote with your feet.
There has been no update on the @eve_status twitter account in almost a day and a half. I don’t think anyone is asking for a “detailed report” at this point we would accept a “we are working on it” they have not even given users that. This is not how you handle an outage communication.