01/02/2020 - Connectivity Issues

Yeah, that’s true. I still have to do that, even with the VPN.

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It’s not just you. I either cant get in or I cannot connect to chat. mostly cant get in.

WORKED!! TY sir.

This worked for me as well. I cannot chat though. I’d rather play the game and not chat than chat and not play the game.

Tested briefly and can confirm it works. Thank you Echo!

Routing yourself through the UK exchange should allow you to log on and play the game. I am from England and I have been able to play the game for days now. No lag no dc’s. The chat system seems to work one minute and is down the next so just be careful of that if in NS/LS mate

Always divide online total by 3.5. This gives you a more accurate online player base. Remember alts count toward the online count and not IP address.

3.5 is slightly generous :wink:

Theyre all a few thousand players and their alts and the rest is CCP bots to pretend the game is alive and people is logged in playing, when in reality theres only like 5 or 6k of real people in the game.

I do think it’s funny that the number of players online this weekend is higher (at least it seems) than the last few weekends.

OCD triggered:
ISO 8601 was published on 06/05/88 and most recently amended on 12/01/04.

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I see you’re still going for that ‘village idiot’ title…

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Why some have chat other don’t?
I am a paying subscriber, why I don’t have it ?

I cannot log in at all.

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“Could not connect to chat server at live.chat.eveonline.com:5222.Please ensure that this port isn’t blocked.Retry?”


Just checking, but reading the forums, it seems there isn’t really a fix for this atm? Anyone found a reliable work around?

i have officially tried everything,

VPN(to 7 countries)
clearing cache
verifying integrity
restarting my house modem
restarting PC
followed ALL CCP instructions
delete cache tq folder

NOTHING FREAKIN WORKS, i can not login USA east coast here!!!


At this point the East Coast is dead, noone can login and the few that do 1. dont have chat or 2. get disconnected in the next 2 mins. At this rate Im getting pissed I even came back to this game…


You got trolled… haha you really think it’s on your end? :roll_eyes:

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YAY! I managed to login using the recommended technique!

The same 3 bots that are on 24/7, and I’ve reported dozens of times, are also in system.

so fed up right now