[* 1 RANK MERC] Mercenary Services - P I R A T

Hire P I R A T today

P I R A T We offer the following services.

War Declaration. We will war dec a target and hunt them.
Protection services. We can protect your citadels and assets. Join our protection program.
Citadel attack. We will take down the target citadel (s).
Trade hub. We will ensure your enemy is attacked near the main trade hubs.
War assists. If someone attacks you, we will assist and use diplomacy to have the war ended or assist and fight for you.
A list of diplomatic contacts:
Natural CloneKiller
Tiran Taranovich
Cesare Paciotti
Lord Alarik

Hire P I R A T. lol

Cleaned up a few posts.

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We dont let you go Natural.
Our war starts in 24 hours.
But he its just for the content right ?


1 hour of our new war

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Hire PIRAT. We fly bling so you dont have too. Hire the top mercs in high sec.

If your Corp\Alliance is war decced by these “1 rank Mercenary…" Clowns. Contact me we will help you for free.


P I R A T We offer the following services.

War Declaration. We will war dec a target and hunt them.
Protection services. We can protect your citadels and assets. Join our protection program.
Citadel attack. We will take down the target citadel (s).
Trade hub. We will ensure your enemy is attacked near the main trade hubs.
War assists. If someone attacks you, we will assist and use diplomacy to have the war ended or assist and fight for you.
A list of diplomatic contacts:
Natural CloneKiller
Tiran Taranovich
Cesare Paciotti
Lord Alarik


Hire PIRAT. We will do your dirty work.

If we are honest you are doing Nothing. The russian Part of Pirat is the active. I dont even understand why they let join you. Khromius was hidding yesterday in a System i never heard of (Umokken). The russians defended the Poco Timer for your Best Client (Omega and friends media labs). Mackers was just there to smacktalk a Bit. Creating Logos wont help the russians as they pay the price for you ex Vmg guys. We will keep our war against pirat as long you and your friends are in there.

Hey cyber I’ve not been that active in eve from the start of July and I don’t plan on being over active, but if i do pop on eve an catch a fight, it’s all good plus to be clear it’s not because of pirat’s wars or the vmg riffs. What I do in my free time has nothing to do with anyone… So what if you war dec pirat i’m sure you will die and pirat will die to that’s what happens in a game, Not much more to say but have fun and don’t get too bitter :roll_eyes:

:100: Peace and love :v:


Hey labtecwar

“Hey cyber I’ve not been that active in eve from the start of July and I don’t plan on being over active,”

I know m8 otherwise i would have killed your ship a second time.

You right its my free time and i like this stuff …:slight_smile:

The main reason for posting here is to shed some light on the fact how useless this ex vmg guys are.

I figured the fact that we stole a second alliance from them when they were dumb enough to not pay the bill showed that pretty well, But the lord bless thou Cyber, may you torch these heathens with the holy light of gary


Sorry I cant hear you through the wall of killmails I have with your name on it.

So thats your face 2 days ago i just saw your proteus only from behind…