10th Annual Venture Hunting Contest

Me thinks you flip flop on positions to paint yourself in the best possible light.

But good to know you support the ebil gankerz.

Wanna go ganking? You can use your posting alt here so no one will know its you and you can further push your agenda to get ccp act.

I’d have thought that if this were the 10th Annual Venture Hunting Contest, and CCP had let the other 9 pass unmolested, there’s a good chance that Hunting (and destroying) Ventures is not troubling the company very much?

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Hush you. Thinking and rational coherent conversations aren’t allowed here. Only incoherent, self-contradictory, emotionally driven ramblings are allowed.

But ya, CCP doesn’t really care. There will always be an influx of new people. Kinda like here….oh wait, just an influx of new alts.

So, you want CCP to remove ganking from the game, and you support ganking events like this because it will incentivize CCP to remove it, but you can’t be bothered to actually put into action what you are advocating for because it’s too easy?

Dude, do you have any idea how contradictory you sound?


What you are ‘protecting’ noobs from is the game itself. The NPE makes it quite clear that losing a ship is part of the Eve experience. A Venture is easily replaced. My corp even hands them out free. I myself often hand out ISK to noobs as well.

Risk is precisely what makes Eve exciting. The nerves on undocking from Jita with expensive load…the heart thumping as you get to Sobaseki gate. Will those 4 Tornados target me ? The cunning of making the load expensive enough to not have to do lots of trips, but cheap enough that the gankers will let you pass. The heart thumping moment when you enter Isanamo and Aiko and her crew are there…and their scout is in Litiura so you hurriedly rush to the Elonaya gate. And so on.

I love all that risk and do not want ‘protecting’ from it.

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About as relevant as your made up experiences that you keep banging on about.

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I thought Null was supposed to be safer than HS anyway?

This “Effort Meter” makes no sense.

Then what is it about ?

You do realise that every game attracts a wider range of people than those who are actually suited for it ? For example I loved Earth 2150…but I hated Earth 2160 within minutes of playing it and uninstalled it. I did not whine to the developer that they had to make the game just right for me.

Of course people leave Eve because they find it too hard, or boring, or they lost a ship, or whatever. I personally think that those who leave are those who ought to…because the game was never for them. Thousands get past that stage. I did. You clearly did. And so did everyone else here. We should not be making the game easier and alter the entire mechanics just for the odd 1% who might hang on a bit longer.

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No, I can vouch for that, Lucas, for I remember there being at least a few of them. I was away for a couple of years, so can’t comment on what happened during that time.

The only change I notice is that the competition is a closed one? I don’t think the early ones were limited to Alliance members - but I’m not sure. In those days, there were many more solo gankers, loosely aligned rather than consolidated into groups.

CCP’s statements about ‘churn’ - upon which you place great significance - have not yet been succeeded by punitive action. I hope, if such action takes place, it is applied reasonably, sensibly, and with caution.

In the meantime, I celebrate the commitment of Princess Aiko and Krig in providing entertainment and content for their members; player agency is so important.

I do not believe you, Lucas. For you have said elsewhere:

‘…hence CCP stating that churn tends to come from their lack of ability to bootstrap back into their ships after a loss.’
[Lucas Kell in ‘Proposal for Rebalancing of the Suicide Gank’: Post 1029]

Nothing about ganking there, Lucas, only ‘loss’. You quote CCP (whose word is ‘gospel’) in asserting that not ship loss but lack of funds and know-how are the primary reasons for ‘churn’.

Didn’t @Altara_Zemara remind you that NPCs kill far more Ventures than gankers? Seems our esteemed Rookie could teach you a few things!

Earlier in that same thread (Post 568) you state:

‘CCP have directly stated that ganking newbros leads to player churn.’

Well, which is it, chum? You’re either putting words into the Company’s mouth or they are being wildly inconsistent. If the latter, then I wonder that you regard their statements as ‘gospel’.


Citation required.

Enough that the game hasn’t bubbled under.

I prefer to focus on what you say Lucas, because it appears to be the only way to arrive at an informed conclusion!

I wasn’t prepared, in the past, wholly to agree with those who accuse you of duplicitous behaviour here; I’m beginning to think there may be something in it…

The slide might have been from the presenter’s summer holiday in Scarborough, for all I know; it would not alter the meaning of what was actually said. The use of implication over explanation is not ever employed in professional circles, believe me.

According to you, ‘churn’ is either tied to ganking or to ship loss. You have held both views in the same thread.

Which is it?

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Could it be a third option: both?

It could be anything which serves his purpose. Go figure…

Maybe you should have. :smiley:

Alas for you, Sasha is sufficiently well known and adored on these boards for contextual tomfoolery to be quite unnecessary.

This is terribly off-topic, but I focus on what people say rather than what they may think, in an effort to come to a conclusion about what they mean.

What you call ‘cherry-picking’ is an editorially sanctioned practice, saving all of us the necessity of quoting lengthy pieces of text containing irrelevancies. You do it, too, Lucas.

What I have quoted, is what you have written, and is consistent only with your frequently stated views. The problem with your weak attempt at an example, is that the apparently expressed view is not in keeping with my well-known well-published opinions. It therefore falls.

As for ‘context’, it is often the get-out for someone whose arguments are weak, as in ‘…but I meant…’.

No professional would argue in such a way.

There, I think that’s it.

O wait!

You also said (Post 620 in ‘Proposal…’)

‘I strive to be reasonable, rational and objective.’

But perhaps I took that, too, out of context…



On behalf of the Hek Mining Association, I would like to thank @Aiko_Danuja, @Krig_Povelli, and all of the good men, women, and other of Safety. for keeping High-Sec dangerous. It is a mostly thankless job but you folks are the thin red line seperating Eve Online from Candyland the MMO. Don’t ever stop.



Mmhmm. Sure you do. Whatever you want to believe.

Are we the EvE version of the “Anti-growth Coalition”?

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