17 Years of EVE - A Huge Birthday Celebration!

I think there is really only one question we should ask…
Will there be cake?

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When will the AT return?


Simply get it…

The answer to that question should have been stated in the initial Dev Blog. Instead CCP once again leaves out important info. Probably so that in the first few days they can see a bunch of player ships get destroyed for attempting to do it solo.


We have stopped caring about Trig stuff a year ago. Give us some other factions to pewpew and farm… How about SOE, I’m just throwing names here…


I don’t think CCP dare do anything with the traditional empires. I don’t believe they have the talent / manpower to make any meaningful changes to existing factions, thats why it is Triglavians (or Jove splinters) all the way down now.


OK, sure there was the Guristas Easter Event and the Guardians Gala (Serpentis & Angel) event but the main focus for quite a while now has been on Triglavian.

When was the last time Sansha was featured in an event? Or what about Blood Raiders? I think the last one was in 2018. Same goes for Rogue Drones. They could easily include the minor Pirate Factions like Mordu’s Legion and The Syndicate. Can also do events with Equilibrium of Mankind and Mercenary NPC’s as well.

@CCP_Dopamine Can you please confirm if it’s battlecruiser T1 only or does this include command ships?


I can still hope.

Ya jerk.

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I’m not going to buy any argument that suggests that CCP doesn’t care, isn’t willing, or is incapable of touching existing empires.

I can list several ways off the tip of my tongue that CCP would consider in which they could emphasize existing factions via events/permanent sites/lore, increasing their accessibility (PVE, LP goods, drops), expanding existing factions with new items (more goods in their LP stores = more incentive for people to go get them), etc. Instead of introducing Triglavians, for example, CCP could have introduced Syndicate faction ships to increase the relevance of that existing faction and missioning for Syndicate more appealing.

In the past two years CCP has been good about focusing on making existing things better moreso than introducing new things… until Triglavians came along. Don’t get me wrong, not everything about Triglavians are bad. There are several things I do in fact like about the introduction of Triglavians - but they certainly could have gone about it in a different way… or the same way using existing factions instead.


Glad CCP seem to ignore this :wink:


You can also hope to win at a lottery…

Hope is irrelevant :slight_smile:

I’ve won the lottery. So hope is a real thing.

Gonna keep the hope alive.


Now now. We have all loved all their recent events. Their own advertising tells us so.

Their communications are ever more pathetic. I enjoy the game - if not, I would not still be here. But please, do not presume to tell me what I love. Or tell me that CCP are “super happy” to announce this or that, but too damned incompetent to write a decent, clear announcement that shows that they actually understand their own product and customer base.


Been playing for 10 of those years and it’s been great. All you cranky people that are always looking for a reason to complain should try making your own game. You try pleasing a million people and see how it goes.


well just do multibox i dont have to split bounty or reward

rejoice rotten gifts? and the game doesn’t work again

Not sure but isn’t this “Huge Birthday Celebration” just a little lacklustre compared to years gone by?

SP “gifts” are more a blight on the game than anything else.
I trained for years to get the SP I have, now some little rich !$#^urd comes along and is flying the same things I waited years for in a few days.
And CCP wonders why the game is broken - We will never change from the SP model but we will sure as hell sell it to bolster dropping login numbers - Then we’ll go the next step and give it away to try and bolster a low login count.
Even with the WHOLE WORLD ON LOCKDOWN you can’t reach daily login counts from even a few years ago - What are you doing wrong?

Hint; BO, Cyno changes, Chaos era (in total) - For Bobs sake get a clue, employ someone who understands how and why people login to your game.
If that’s too hard - Try talking to some of the long time players who’ve not logged in for 5 or 6 months.
If new player retention is as positive as you keep saying - Then you really are doing something wrong because with all these “new” players, daily player count should be at least double what it is - It seems for every new player you retain, you lose 2 older players.


I’ve wondered that about Sansha as well. There have been 0 Sansha events during the past 5 years of semi-regular events. But… I figured it was because CCP thinks incursions are enough constant special sansha content?

As for Blood Raiders… DMC, man… every Halloween. Blood Raider event. :wink: Now, 2019’s wasn’t the usual deal, but… there’s always Blood Raider halloween times. Whereas Guristas Easter has happened only 3 times and Angel Cartel Guardian’s Gala Valentine’s Day has also only happened 3 times, they’ve been skipped at least twice each in these past 5 years, IIRC.

In any event, Serpentis, Angel, Blood, and Guri all get their regular share of event funs, it’s really just Sansha being left out of the main ones.

They did do a Mordu’s Legion one the X-mas before last. It’s where those C3-X and C3-A BCS/DDA combo modules that were just dropping last month in the Gureasters event were originally from.

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Well, I only went back a couple of years which is why I said 2018 was the last time.

Now about the Frostline Winter Event, that one was good because it involved more than just combat and again, that was a couple years ago. I also liked the Federation Day event since it was completely different, a Rally type race. The Liberation Day event was cool too because it involved Hacking.

Anyway, I still feel CCP is pushing this Trig crap way too much, especially when there’s plenty of other NPC Factions to work with in the game.