2017/11/13 - Post Downtime Login Issues

I can’t login. The account is not loading my steam account and I don’t remember my steam ID and password.

For me it just say “Refreshing authorization”… While one fifth is gray 4/5th is blue

If only there was some way to log directly in to the server instead of having to use the launcher…

On Linux I start Steam, than Eve Launcher. After re-accepting EULA and putting login and passwd, i get that^

without any other action.

i can’t login my account… I’m a steam user…help me please


lets help ccp falcon find accept button.

Edit: It(accept/decline) appeared second time i tried to reenter my login/password. guess its random.


Same for me here. I’m a steam user as well. No steam ID or password is being loaded.

I have an issue with all this issues.


hmmm it’s weird i keep getting a Error cannot refresh token for player (name)

why is it that half my accounts work with out problems while the other half get “encountered an error while refreshing token for xxx”

What has the dev team ruined now then?

same here

At least you got a cancel button, I don´t even…

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Still asking for account login while steam launch, update and forget account did not help.

delete accounts form launcher and re-add…job done… steam accounts idk i didn’t delete that one

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Been there, done that

I am having the same problems have also installed the client from the site direct and still cant log in says having an issue with the authentication token


is this mess up the big anouncment ccp wanted to give us? a broken launcher and messed up code? we already knew that ccp good job :slight_smile:

Close ALL EVE Clients and Launcher.

Open up the Folder:


There is a folder inside thats called “Default” now you can safely delete this folder or rename it to Default_Broken (whavever you like tbh)

Then Re-open the EVE Launcher and you should be good to go as it will re-pull the QT Engine files again from CCP’s servers when you relaunch the Launcher.

Hope this helps! If this doesn’t work for anyone then if anyone else wants a stab at it then post away. As uninstalling EVE and re-installing it does not help.

рукожопы, чо.