2018/04/26 - Mass Disconnect Due To DDoS Attack

So the attack is still ongoing, guessing probably better to try login in like tomorrow (not joking) ?

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the attack is still ongoing ? yes or no ?

Reloaded, recached, restarted…still closed socket.
Maybe ill restart again, and by coincidence the area serving my account/internet will happen to start working…then I too can be an ass and say “yup, restarting fixed it”.

Oh, i see. The attacks is still going. But i was told by CCP that the attacks was over. Apparently, it’s not :roll_eyes:

Socket still CLOSED!!!

We said that connectivity was restored because the network traffic is now being scrubbed.


Maybe they thought that blocked all attacker`s subnets, but that was mistake.

So are we the customers going to be compensated for this???

j’essaye encore … trying again
pas de chance … no chance
encore une fois … again one time
peut etre … may be

Only if you subscribe to their silly twitter feed or other stupid channel lol

well… you’re seemly blocking subnets your PAYING customers are on as well.

I see I am not the only one who still has the closed socket problem ?

No, MANY people obviously have the closed socket problem…myself included

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Heres an Idea…FIX IT

Well, if that’s the case, then, when will the people with the closed sockets issues be able to logged back onto Tranquility???

@CCP_Explorer Then why the flipty flip doesn’t it say that in the banner!

Connectivity Restored is totally misleading.

That’s poor communication, really poor. Now I’m feking angry at CCP as well.


It is an utterly disingenuous , disrespectful, I am gonna treat you like an A-hole response

I had weird problems the last time they did a reboot for an issue. I discovered later that one of my machines worked, and the other didn’t. The difference was that one was pointed at google DNS =, and the other was pointed at my provider’s DNS. Pointed to google DNS, and did “ipconfig /flushdns” to clear my DNS cache in windows, and I was able to get online after that.

It seems today is similar. I was also getting “Socket Closed,” but my other machine was working. I tried to clear DNS cache, but that didn’t work. So, then I rebooted completely, and it all started working again.

I’m thinking they have a failover system that updates a public DNS entry. If so, that can take a while to role out globally across DNS. Nothing you can do for that, but wait or use a different DNS server.

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What they can do is reimburse of for time lost

To be honest, I’d prefer to criticize both. I mean, this thread is such a target rich environment. How can you not lay into the idiotic, entitled, passive aggressive morons posting here.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses: