That’s some interesting logic…"“when nc has already mostly jumped out”. That’s the damn point - to catch stragglers that can’t extract because they either can’t login or jump. Why are so many Goons intentionally dense?!
This is exactly why many people are no longer believing CCP’s story about DDoS attacks. It seriously seems like CCP is mistaking thousands of DCed players trying to reconnect as a DDoS attack. It’s time for CCP to fix their game…people are already leaving because of it. Plenty of other games that don’t sh*t the bed every time something important happens.
I think that’s pretty much a guarantee considering that Northern forces extracted because FCs and titans couldn’t actually do anything because of constant DCs. There were times where only two Northern FCs were connected to the game across ALL fleets. This was a CCP total failure.
rip ccp a lot of homeless unemployed guys on that skyr island soon
CCP, have you given any thought to watching which alliances have timers when these attacks happen?
I mean, we players are paying attention.
Once again your DDoS mitigation efforts have blocked me from logging in to the game…
Not sure why the thread about those issues was closed?
Okay, well I guess in such cases CCP should implement a safety measure. A couple of weeks back, totally unrelated to this incident, players couldn’t connect to the server, but everyone who was already logged in, had no issues. at some point a player suggested to take the cluster down, because it’s unfair. So if there are over X% disconnects during a known titan-fight they should probably just take the node offline or something like that.
Because observers had all the titans locked and were watching it live. You were about to lose 2 to 3 titans.
We can clearly tell the difference. First of all the network traffic increases by a factor of 40 in the span of seconds and fills all incoming pipes, secondly we get a series of alerts from external monitoring (which monitors access from US West and East Coast, UK, Germany, Russia, etc), thirdly the traffic is mostly DNS and NTP replies (for which we never asked any questions) which is typical of reflective-DDoS attacks, fourthly our DDoS Mitigation partner verifies the attack when we redirected the traffic to them for scrubbing, fifthly we temporarily lost access to our test environment when the attack was redirected there once the network traffic to TQ had been stabislised, sixthly the service provider for the test envionrment confirmed the attack as incoming NTP traffic. You may of course choose to not believe this.
So there is still an issue related to login and it not working. I’ve cleared cashe, restarted pc and my router and still nothing. Please fix the login server.
supposition and conjecture from those who aren’t familiar with the way things really work will always spark the “insert entity name here” did it comments.
Not to worry though, those of us who understand a little more feel for you guys having to deal with that and thank you all for your work and dedication.
That’s a good one.
The network traffic to Tranquility is currently being scrubbed by our DDoS Mitigation partner and it unfortunately appears that you are being impacted. Please contact your ISP about this, since there is some reason our DDoS MP is (partially) blocking your ISP or limiting traffic going through your ISP, and also send us a support request including your geographical location, your ISP, and your external IP address.
Crazy how these attacks happen when one side of a great war starts loosing. i wonder if theres a connection.
So is the website affected too? I bought a code (that i had to get from amazon because i was unable to buy it directly because of this same issue) and now it just spins until it times out when trying to redeem it.
I was in that fight.
DDOS doesn’t benefit anyone. Just messes with gameplay and not in a positive way for any side.
Guys, I had to flush my dns in order to log back again… try it if you can’t login yet.
Still can’t log in and not sure what to do. How do you flush your DNS
Hey, I cannot log in from midwest US too.
It seems that you guys blocked to many IPs that are not responsible for recent DDoS attack.
Please do something with that.
Hi, if youre still having trouble you need to go into your router settings and reset your IP. Its very likely that when dealing with the ddos ccp banned your ip by mistake. I had this same problem and reseting the ip worked for me.