2018/08/08 - DDoS Attack!

EVE is in milk mode, any money they waste trying to implement DDoS mitigation is money they can’t piss away on other projects.

To flush DNS go to command prompt (cmd at windows icon) and type ipconfig /flushdns

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This happened to me as well, the game booted me (socket connection closed) and wouldn’t let me log back on. Finally, resetting my router ip address appears to have fixed it.

The number online TQ has been strangely consistent as well, as if it was capped at around 19100. Look at this plot for the last 1.5 hours: http://eve-offline.net/?server=tranquility

DDoSed with goon’s bounty ?

+1 IP got banned, do a release renew IP on your outside interface guys

Cant log in too. CCP stop blocking so many IPs. DO SOMETHING!!!

Unfortunately this did not work for me. Thanks for the tip though.

Ok I cannot log in to game or eve o while using my pc. But I can from my cell phone. How do I fix this? I tried the ipconfic flish ip and it didn’t help.

I don’t think there is anything you can do. From what I understand, their partner that helps them mitigate DDoS attacks blocks connections to prevent the DDoS attack from happening. To solve it quickly they sometimes block large ranges or IPs from a certain area and a whole host of other reasons. Sometimes legit IPs can get blocked in the crossfire. They’ll keep working on it until they can unfilter the legit requests and only filter the malicious requests causing the DDoS. Sometimes it’s hard to tell and it takes times. Imagine being shot at from 1000 different directions. It would b hard to tell which is friendly fire and which isn’t!

It’s affecting me too so I hope they can resolve it quickly.


Aren’t large fights like the recent one supposed to be called into CCP before hand to ensure that server problems do not take place?

Whoever launched the attack without telling CCP of the attack to ensure that there wasn’t a server issue and that game play would not be affected has in fact manipulated the system in an exploitable manner.

Since NC/PL was defending their territory then the attacker manipulated the server to cause the crash to not only try and win the fight but to cause destruction of other ships across the game not involved in the fight so that they can sit back and laugh as the tear buckets fill up.


I sure hope after the battle last week and all the hurfing and blurfing since then from all parties involved that the system was running on a reinforced node. It’s not like this battle happened randomly - it’s time and place and for the most part participants were predetermined.

Yup. That’s totally it. First, we totally DDoS’d our own mumble server. Then we set about DDoSing the server so that there’d be massive disconnects and… what? We’d lost critical mass to keep the timer paused? Because we can come back and repeat the whole process, spending another 10-14 days working on this same thing despite the system going to Sov 3 (and thus, able to be cyno jammed) this week?

How often do you get outsmarted by a box of rocks?

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How many more times you gona pull the ddos excuse?

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And which keepstar was this supposed to be? Please list the system and time/date.

ya i think the ddos is back if it ever ended login servers seem to be down

go on, then, please tell us.

Make NCDoS great again!!!

Unfortunately it has become fashionable for “some” people in this world to disbelieve, facts, evidence, and rational thought.

It is all our ancestors fault for removing all the large predators.

Otherwise we would be only suffer the embarrassment of watching our fellow earth residents, pointing at the lion poo, Paw-prints, and the sound of loud growling, shouting “conspiracy! fake facts!” before the lions ate them.

Edit:- to the People who kept the servers spinning, those who supported them, your DDOS mitigation partners, and everyone who has managed this load, Thank you and congratulations, Most of the Global Banks and fortune 500 companies, could learn a lesson from you!

You handled it far better than they have done when under similar or even lesser attacks.


And the salty player award for losses gained goes to CommanderHisel herself…


I stayed logged in and nothing happened. DDoS was a fail.

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