2018/08/08 - DDoS Attack!

guys fix or lose a client, so simple


The players online count dropped by at least 5000 with that last one.

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All of my accounts just disconnected and I canā€™t log in. What the ā– ā– ā– ā–  is going on? Sort your ā– ā– ā– ā–  out CCP.

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your not the only one both account got removed from my client now there is some stupid issues validating funny how i was just flying my orca :frowning:

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FYI, Arla Skyr (Europeā€™s biggest selling brand) is made in Denmark.

yeah i know ive got that in my fridge but unfortunatley it is still fitting as its a traditional islandic product derp derp.

so tired about this neverending dcā€™s. =\ ccp just shutting down this ā– ā– ā– ā–  and fix something!

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Iā€™m constantly getting kicked off with server or token errors until now since last Friday. This has prevented me from anything of value for a week now

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yeah one of my corpmates just had socket closedā€¦

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login and again socket closed:rage:

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Can confirm that as of this post the game is unplayable for my account on fiber in South London.

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Yep same here socket closed message and canā€™t log in

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Keep experiencing the socket closed issue too - off to play something else that allows longer than a 5min session. Wish EvE wasnā€™t as broken as it is right now.

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lol people chill out a DDOS isnā€™t really ccpā€™s fault, they can do certain things but the attacker can just change the method.


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goodbye eve?

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Wow 4,000 players keep dropping and then struggling to get back inā€¦ and u closed the main post and brushed it under the carpetā€¦ half my online buddies are affected by this issue u cant figure out and resolveā€¦ what we paying for? clearly not service, not security from Ddos attacks and no interest in getting a confidant resolution, faith shakenā€¦ Credit card numbers removed

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Itā€™s frustrating as ā– ā– ā– ā– . I pay a fortune for my accounts, have the afternoon off and was excited to harvest some tears.

The irony that I am currently producing much salt myself is not lost on meā€¦


What youā€™re saying is that the EVE launcher was insecure and it wouldnā€™t very SSL certificates. Youā€™ll have to take this up with CCP when you think their use of SSL is faulty and open for MitM attacks.

lol, this tickled me.