2018/08/08 - DDoS Attack!

Thats odd, I seem to think the last fleet battle there was a DDOS.

Are you 100% sure it’s not the sh*tty authorisation servers being rubbish and people are trying to play your game?

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Why would they need to DDOS the servers? They’re already winning the fight and the North is fleeing?

So when the ddos crashes the server, and the keepstar timer is running, who does that help? Pro tip, its not goons


mean personally np with anyone alliance or otherwise I just stateting what see

we are winning on grid right now, why we should ddos the game seriously?

makes no sense at all

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To prevent reinforcements, people fleeing. To keep people on the field. It’s a well known Goons tactic, NEVER has happened once with PL and anyone else in a large fight, has happened FOUR times with large scale GOONS fights.

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If you watched the person do it why didn’t you stop them/take their keyboard & mouse off of them?

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I know atleast 1 keep they was gonna loose and then bam mass dc’ing then CCP of course shut server down so not loose well why not doing it now oh wait it not a goon keep

seeing things and understanding them are 2 diffrent things

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I don’t know how much longer CCP will get away with calling ‘DDoS’ every keepstar fight but I certainly hope it’s not for long.

Any company, in 2018, whose serious about stopping DDoS can. What’s taking CCP so long?


If the ddos fully works what do you think happens to the server? IT CRASHES

Which is a bad thing for goons, who need to be online to kill the keep

ya told winning like said 5-1 titans well I there I seen 2 goon titans for sure die so another propaganda bs just cause mittins sits on fat arse collects ya isk don’t mean anything he has no skills

Quite easy to understand that the only time a ddos attack occurs during a large fight is when Goons are involved. This is on record.

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The problem is you don’t understand what you’re seeing.


Awww, come on man, wtf?

In my 10 years of playing this game, the last 6 months or so has had way more issues then all of the past years combined.

Seriously, don’t know why it’s such a problem now when there wasn’t any issues before. Whatever changes were recently implemented in 2018 to allow this crap to happen definitely needs to be reverted back like it was before.


Might want to know what you’re talking about. Node is still up, keepstar is still being shot. As someone who literally just extracted from X47, I can tell you that.

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wow now throw some stuff you cant even prove ?

Yeah classic nc/pl NEED to Win Somehow not in space pvp but forum pvp :thinking:

What company is immune to ddos attacks?

Whoever they are they must be making a fortune selling that secret right?

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What do you mean I can’t prove it? CCP has announced every major ddos attack when it happens. It has never happened with PL versus anyone else. It has happened at least 4 times in the last few years with Goons attacking someone. This is on record. How can I not prove it? I just proved it.

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Again during a Keepstar fight. When are you guys gonna be prepared for situations like this?

Starting to get annoying now.