2018/08/08 - DDoS Attack!



Not every single one. UALX wasnā€™t. They just tried to whore on it. Still, they got involved.

Im pretty sure that its not possible for a DDOS to affect only a certain group of players. Iā€™m pretty sure it was just CCPs server were not able to handle the fight.

and you know who wasnt involvedā€¦ Darkness.

Yeah, being involved with a token fleet opposed to having serious strategic assets on the line. Totally the same thing.
Who are you even trying to ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  here?

TEST is allied with Goons, so the fight was against Goons. Learn politics.

CCP Falcon now live on https://www.twitch.tv/imperiumnews

What about the last two Keepstars killed by Goons? No DDoSes there :slight_smile: And if server really crashes now, the Keepstar will be saved, You think that is Goons goal? :smiley:

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Iā€™m not the one pointing fingers here. Well, maybe I am, but if so, Iā€™m only pointing at CCP.

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Ddos are ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  highsec player located can log without any issueā€¦

thats fine i dont mind pointing the finger at kenshin, as theyve been caught talking about unleashing the power of microsoft servers to DDoS stuff before. just connecting some dots :slight_smile:

Forming a Coalition with one of the sides that then can march north and help them get revenge for Deklein 2016? I would count that as having a stake in the battle. The less pressure there is on TEST right now, the more they can bring north.

I never claimed Goons had serious assets in every big fight. But they certainly were involved in most, if not all of the recent ones in some way.

I mean at least itā€™s only DDoS and people are not sending hitsquads to each others homes.

He wanted to report to his true boss tha everything is going according to plan

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Who says they arenā€™t?

thx god there are ddos attacks on the planet so we can put fingers to others :slight_smile:

From what has been said on the stream were voice comms hit before the game server got hit, which is indeed a weird coincident, if not just evidence for who is causing it.

Seems Iā€™m far behind the meta.

Quite. This has been a thing since about 2007. Back then it was much cheaper too, because there were far fewer titans, so we didnā€™t have to hire quite as many hitmen.

Depends on the country of residence I guess. In most western countries it should be cheaper to pay off the char holders.