2018/10/15 - Chat System Issues

It was the goons again with help from CODE. they ganked the chat satellite. :imp:

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I still do not have chat functionality! I have restarted entire client multiple times as well as computer… any current updates? Your last one seemed to reflect the issue was fixed and this is definitely not the case!!

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What is going on ccp the chat system is still a lost cause was working now down again, can’t even get on your support server to log in a support ticket, chat seemed to be working then all of a sudden somebody is shooting at me not in chat fix the problem

the chat needs to be reverted back in House…

That is the only FIX you can make it and YOU F’ING KNOW IT

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I have a suggestion to make. CCP should ask PA for a team of software developers to create a private protocol that works like XMPP. Then replace the XMPP with that protocol. This way fit something goes wrong, it will be easier to find what went wrong, why it went wrong, and how to fix the problem. I am really sure that if PA could pay $400M to the venture capitalists, they probably have enough money to implement my said solution.

On a side note other than my suggestion above, did CCP ever back up the settings/disk-image of the servers? If you guys did, just restore all the servers to the back up. That way the problem is definitely solved for sometime, giving CCP more time to find the solution to the issue. If not, then I really advise CCP to make backups of the settings/disk-image of all the chat servers once the issue is fix.

Working fine in j space

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shut up dude…this is more than just local…

When you lose your own private chats, or even fleet chat…just whatever, geez your dense

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So what you’re saying is that our chat system has been jammed pretty much continuously since March when the dark times began, eh? Yeah… the ol’ ECM lives on in at least one place in New Eden, I s’pose!


Are you guys sure using ICMP is a good idea? Ever hear of the ping flood? You have a ton of people playing this game at once. Are you sure your infrastructure can handle it?

This has been happening SINCE MARCH. 7 MONTHS!



chats ‘working’ but show incorrect online. I see online characters who realy offline and i dont see who realy online.

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I for one actually managed to kill TWO VNI owned by the same guy in the same system in different anoms.
You know why? Because the cheating bastard couldn’t use his local chat warning system to ping him that an enemy was in system. He isn’t a bitter, that much is for sure, but he absolutely was using some system which scans the local channel member list and it pings him. He only responded to his ships dying when I was attacking his third VNI which was also happily krabbing, ignorantly believing noone was there.

This technical problem with eve chat server is revealing to how ubiquitous botting and other client side scrapers are. Check out these alliances and their member lists, the number of krab alt accounts that can fly VNI nothing else and conspicuously never die unless local goes down…

In some capacity local in nullsec is a direct contributer to their “out of control” bounty is generator problem. CCP feign interest in nerfing generation but make no erstwhile effort to do anything about it.


It would be nice if ccp could just focus on get the stuff thats allready in the game to the point of functioning somewhat reliable instead of just adding more and more and more new stuff.

“You’re.” what?

CCP can u fix that already … has been all day like that still nothing done …

CCPlease redesign local to not give free Intel

Apology not accepted, this chat system has been broken since the onset, it never worked right. Instead of creating new content, maybe better to fix some of the bugs that have plagued this game for years?


working yet!

I think at this point players would want rather to bring them the guy who had idea to change chat system to that buggy one, or alternatively his head on a silver platter, not apologies. :roll_eyes: