interesting observation:
The Forge - local and corp chats - work
Detorid - local and corp chats - work
Tenerifis - local and corp chats - dont work ( only private chats working)
I’ve traveled like 100 jumps , and most of them was affected, so it has been ■■■■■■ up all night , GJ CCP
Oh whatever with this hyperbole, get a life.
You and others criticizing new chat don’t see the big picture. The new system is very good. Maybe not mature and not perfect but it works most of the time. Separating chat service and code from main server was crucial to boost performance and break monolithic design of EVE services into microservices. If not for this the whole game server had to be rebooted yesterday. This didn’t happen.
I know you are so happy because you killed some botters. But killing them few times doesnt change anything, they will be back tomorrow in high sec.
I would rather want botting to be reduced by mechanics change than non functioning chat system that not only affects botters.
Some people would rather want chat to look like in wormholes. I have a life and dont want to spam directional scanner every second…
When it doesnt work it isnt good. Its worthless. Comparing to previous system, the previous was good because it worked.
Maybe not mature and not perfect but it works most of the time.
I somehow get impression that it will never be mature. Just like other cloud services. That is because programmers these days are educated in immature manner and are themselves immature when dealing with code. Lack discipline, lack understanding, lack experience.
New system ? XMPP is like 20+ years old and really badly designed. ( as you can see CCP can’t even fix that “channel changed to local : xxxxx” spam.)
Performance is better ? I don’t think so as everything is more laggy ( Industry tab, market, Contracts …etc.)
Yeah, all distributed systems and protocols are badly designed, lol don’t forget SMTP and the Internet in particular.
I think you have not seen how laggy industry tab was before that.
Not valid arguments
I corrected for you…
You welcome.
These are changes coming from the number of actual programmers needed as older programmers are leaving.
are you saying this is fixed now then? should i submit a bug report as at least 1 of my accounts chats are still not functioning properly , after log offs, pc reboot and DT?
Honestly its all ■■■■■■ regardless
Oh look, I found the analysis from 2011!
Looks like that idea came not from inside CCP, to change to XMPP.
As shown, the functionality of the prototype jabber chat implementation is
largely identical to the LSC chat. The only difference would be the special
case of the local channel, where the game must ensure that people are joined
to their appropriate local channel at all times. This is easy to accomplish
for LSC since it exists on the game server itself and will know the game
state of all players at all times. However, the same functionality could be
accomplished with ejabberd by simply having it poll the game servers for
player location data to determine which channel to force-join them to. It
could also be pushed to the ejabberd server by the game servers when state
changes occur
Looks like something doesnt work when implemented.
Jimmy’s law
A broken, dysfunctional organization driven by meeting unhealthy goals and metrics will produce broken, dysfunctional system
No one is saying CCP shouldn’t separate them.
We are all saying ccp shouldnt HALF-ASS pay some cheap 3rd party to manage it for them.
Ccp should use it’s new owners Pearl Abyss resources and separate chat and game IN HOUSE AND DO IT COMPETENTLY!
they either cant or are too cheap. So we deal with this cheap half as OUTSOURCING
Would be nice if all the chat problems are related to a delayed local overhaul.
Doubt it though because it would likely be tested on sisi first.
It is you who doesn’t get it. Before we have a well performing TQ server that went down and took everything with it. Now we have a terribly performing TQ server and in addition a terribly performing chat server on top of it. And more to that, you can even kick yourself from the server so that you don’t show up.
Micro services are the worst of the worst for a whole software project because you cannot have reliable services any longer as too many connections and interconnections are involved. EVE with just the outsourced chat server shows this in glorious and exquisite detail.
And this would have been the better way to do it because EVE needs chats and when you cannot rely on chats any more, important aspects of EVE are broken. Micro services turned this into a real and regularly taking place issue, it did nothing to improve the user experience in EVE. In contrast, it made the experience worse in almost every regard. The only thing this crap of a new chat server improved are the possibilities to spam. Good job.
Before what? CCP has not outsourced the industry yet. The last supposed performance patches for the industry system have not improved performance noticeably either. Considering that the chat server is already a major failure, which the original devs don’t work on any longer (no other possible explanation for the not fixed issues that are plaguing the chat system since introduction), it would be insane to outsource anything else from the EVE software environment. CCP is not capable to accomplishing this and keep their announced promises that things would be better.
i lost all my player created chat channels, local alliance and corp work again… the rest is non existant… they were without name, then changed to player.increadibly long random string before they dissapeared. relogging didnt do a thing