2020/01/27 & 28 - TQ under DDoS

aaaannnnd once again i can’t connect!! same as yesterday, this is getting old now :slight_smile:

Thank you !

Np man :slight_smile:

ISK received, Tinfoil hat contracted. o/

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Maybe CODE thinks CCP has the server on autopilot?

Confirmed recieved.

Mod please lock or delete thread.

i usually dont complain here but come on CCP i been playing for like 10 years and, eve never been as shitty as the last weeks. If this dont stop soon i am gonna unsub and i am Guess i am not the only one. Worst thing cant even submit the reimburse ticket or complain or throw salt as that scewed too, seems like i need verify all accounts ect ect again too. One thing is looseing ships to own stupidity every day but, loosing ships to game server like several times a week its just sad. Best regards one of Your more Salty subscribers today.

Thx for the reply as I was about to try a VPN to see. What country are you proxying from mate? That said, if it’s laggy then I may as well wait although even that warrants a day or two added onto our Omega sub imo. I am a three month old player who has put in almost half a grand (my kb justifies that) so I am a loyal customer.

9577 online? A successful login is not looking good :frowning:

It’s one thing to suffer from incompetence, but DDoS attacks aren’t easy to counteract and are in no way CCP’s fault. Get a god damn grip and if you can’t act like an adult, at least pretend to be one.

Dear CCP,

I have been a loyal subscriber since 2008. I have but one simple ask - please give us a bit of transparency as to what is going on. I have never - ever - seen anything as bad as this. Usually an attack will last a bit - but 4 days. Add on top of that that most outside of the East Coast US are still able to play! Something is seriously amiss.

I don’t need reimbursement, etc. However - I do need a little bit more information as to when you think this issue may be resolved. While I know that taking a little time may distract you from actually solving the problem, I think because of the duration of this event, it is warranted.

Rumors abound - maybe its time to actually communicate a bit more so that you can get ahead of the frustration that is building (even amongst those of us who don’t normally rage against EVE).


EU has massive trouble as well

I’m sorry to post this but I feel the urge to do it anyway and I apologize to you @Victoria_Sarain and everyone that has anything to do with the last quote in advance because you’re about to take the brunt of it.

That’s your call. Neither CCP’s or ours. Nobody cares, so save your empty threats for someone who does.

You do sound pretty salty to me here.

This is where you pushed my buttons a little too much…
The DDoS issues started on Monday. We’re Thursday night right now and you’re complaining about losing ships… SEVERAL TIMES ??
Doesn’t it occur to you that if you had issues on the first day and CCP hasn’t told us yet that the issues are resolved, that maybe you shouldn’t not undock at all until they say they are ??
What the hell is wrong with you ?!
If there are issues still AND YOU MUST KNOW THERE ARE, don’t even lie now, don’t play at all for christ’s sakes !
Let me get this straight : You just log in knowing there’s a recurrent DDoS attack since Monday, and you’d just welp ships when you know there’s a high chance you’ll get DC’ed ? Are you seriously that dumb ?

This is the first time Victoria Sarain has posted — let’s welcome them to our community!

First post, first whine.
That’s not the right way to make a first post.
Just be patient and let the issues get resolved before spitting rage on CCP because they can’t do their job properly. You keep making the same mistake for 4 days, come here and rage, and you say it’s basically CCP’s fault ? Wtf dude…


No trouble with connection here for month…must be on your side…

wow i’m in at last… !!! Quick Everybody

I’m on for hours…not a burp…

Just the chat is silent…they do an unannounced blackout :slight_smile:

You know that you own nothing here do you?

It all belongs to CCP.you just have their permission to log in but anything ingame still belongs to CCP…

So ANY reimbursement is just the good will of CCP and NOT your RIGHT in any way…you GOT what you paid for…the possibility to log in…if the server fails and it goes down,even for days,there is nothing on your side for a refund…simply read the eula…

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I don’t see a problem with this post. The person is simply stating a fact . Its a free market. Why the need to rush to CCP’s “defense” anyway? And the whole permission thing is stupid. CCP has permission to charge someone for their game time. Its not for free if someone pays, and usually if someone feels they are not getting their moneys worth, that someone vents. Good job though. You really told this person a thing or two.

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Three days now. I will come back to it whenever the DDOS attackers get tired of the attack. Its the pits really. I hope at least one of them gets caught, spills the beans on a few more and they all get to cool their heels in a cell. I bet a ton of money is lost by a company all because a few asshats feel a need to go out and do a senseless childish act.

Well the eula clearly states what i mentioned…

CCP can change even critical segments of the game unannounced,even change the whole game and there is no right for a refund in any way…you can unsub that is your right but you own NOTHING ingame that is a simple fact…